yeah, can we get back on topic now? i for one would like to see this plug come to fruition, not be spammed to death.
I've been playing around...
I Agree with Edwin.Back on topic, the side launching rocket as others have said looks very nice and i cant wait for it to be released. Good luck in this plug-in Crimp.
Edwin_again, on Feb 3 2006, 09:20 PM, said:
back on subject, sounds freaking awesome. to get the missiles smoother, you can just use PSP of Photoshop to chop the rocket flare off, hell, i can do it now and send you the new pics.
freaking awsome dude.
ok, here it is, i accidentally did radar by mistake though..... they are just the rleD and rle8 in JPEG format waiting t be imported.
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Ok then, I don't know how to get this into the plug. Do I open the jpeg in Photoshop, save it as a PICT resource, and do the masks? Then copy it into my plug?
well, i am on windows, so the procedure may be different, but here is how i did it.
1: open the plug in evnew (or whatever editor you have)
2: create a new rle8 resource, set start fram 1 and end fram 36, x frams6, and y frames 6, x and y size20, import the picture in the rle8 subfolder
3: repeat step2 with rled
if anyone's interested, here's some ideas i used for a tc i considered making based on the honor harrington universe:
broadside missile launchers: similar to the aforementioned side-firing missiles. in the honor harrington universe, the propulsion system naturally leads to most weapons being mounted broadside. missiles are launched in magnetic acceleraters, then activate their own impeller drives once free of the ship's impeller wedge. to do this in nova: side-firing turret (turret with blind spots front and back), which submunitions into at the end of its life.
missile pods: similar to the rocket bomb concept. gravity bomb which submunitions into several missiles. used in the harrington universe to add volume to an initial missile volley to help swamp the enemy's point defense.
(a note on these two: if you don't submunition toward nearest target, the submunition inherits the parent's target).
i'd throw in laser-head missiles, but they're pretty much equivalent to the flak missiles, just with different graphics. as technology advances in the harrington series, they go more and more toward these missiles, which use bomb-pumped lasers to breach sidewalls better than nuclear explosions can.
nighthawk, on Feb 4 2006, 05:30 PM, said:
if anyone's interested, here's some ideas i used for a tc i considered making based on the honor harrington universe:
broadside missile launchers: similar to the aforementioned side-firing missiles. in the honor harrington universe, the propulsion system naturally leads to most weapons being mounted broadside. missiles are launched in magnetic acceleraters, then activate their own impeller drives once free of the ship's impeller wedge. to do this in nova: side-firing turret (turret with blind spots front and back), which submunitions into at the end of its life.
missile pods: similar to the rocket bomb concept. gravity bomb which submunitions into several missiles. used in the harrington universe to add volume to an initial missile volley to help swamp the enemy's point defense.
(a note on these two: if you don't submunition toward nearest target, the submunition inherits the parent's target).
i'd throw in laser-head missiles, but they're pretty much equivalent to the flak missiles, just with different graphics. as technology advances in the harrington series, they go more and more toward these missiles, which use bomb-pumped lasers to breach sidewalls better than nuclear explosions can.
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Very interesting. I like the idea of big, slow capital ships with turrets mounted on the broadside.
On a different note, I uploaded the plug onto the Ambrosia site.
The CrimpMaster, on Feb 5 2006, 08:56 PM, said:
Very interesting. I like the idea of big, slow capital ships with turrets mounted on the broadside.
On a different note, I uploaded the plug onto the Ambrosia site.
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I had a chuckle when I read this.
"Slow" is a relative term. Ships in Weber's "Honorverse" stories move around with a sort of in-system FTL, and most warships can accelerate in excess of 500 gravities (4900 m*s^-2).
As nighthawk mentioned, the design is impacted by the nature of the propulsion systems. Basically, the sides of a ship (Dorsal /Ventral / Port / Starboard) can be shielded, and the fore / aft cannot. This leads to ships firing from their protected sides, rather than from their unprotected front.
(Edit) And as for the Laser-head missiles, the submunitioning shots would be regularly spaced. This reccomends the use of a negative sub-theta in the parent missile.
While I'm on the subject of "Honorverse" weapons (I'm sorry I'm draging on): Any ship can go 'stealth' by shutting off their FTL drives, and drifting; the reason being that the drive is the most noticable piece of equipment running. As soon as they start shooting missiles, they give away their position, as the missiles use the same type of FTL propulsion to catch the enemy ship.
What I'm thinking is: Why can't you put a timer on the missiles, kick'em out the side of the ship, and drift away? By the time they light off, you're not there anymore, giving a false impression of you're location.
While it doesn't work that way in Nova, I can still think of a use for such a 'Sleeper' missile; kick a few off the ship in front of a pursuing enemy. If the missiles light off inside the enemy's point-defense range, it means less time to shoot them down. If you happen to be fighting an enemy with a turret blind-spot to the rear (Fed Destroyer), and the missile lights off after they pass, it will actually approach the enemy ship from behind, without ever facing point defenses.
(Edit #2) Figures I would get a response while I'm editing. Yes, they're books.
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 05 February 2006 - 08:29 PM
Eugene Chin, on Feb 5 2006, 03:57 PM, said:
I had a chuckle when I read this.
"Slow" is a relative term. Ships in Weber's "Honor" stories move around with a sort of in-system FTL, and most warships can accelerate in excess of 500 gravities (4900 m*s^-2).
As nighthawk mentioned, the design is impacted by the nature of the propulsion systems. Basically, the sides of a ship (Dorsal /Ventral / Port / Starboard) can be shielded, and the fore / aft cannot. This leads to ships firing from their protected sides, rather than from their unprotected front.
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Figures I'd make a mistake like that, I've never read any of those books. (Psst, they're books, right?)
DUDE! that is an excellent idea for a weapon! make a weapon with a prox fuse of say, 20 pixles, and a prox delay of 3 or 4 seconds, and give it an accelerate to 0 speed/ accell setting, so it stops, lets a target drift past it, and then kicks it in the ass when it submunition into, say, 5 guided missiles (and make a version that subs into 10 unguided rockets, sacrafcing guidance fore firepower, and give it sub towards nearest target) that is how the prox delay works right? x time after y proximity, blow up?
(runs off to experiment)