Gah! stupid MC! Stop inserting random values!

ok, I am very discouraged. i was trying to make some general missions for my plugin (Vell-os revival), but Mission Computer keeps randomly changing the Dësc value for the quick ("i") brief and the unload cargo. I am getting fed up with Mission Computer because it does this with color selects also.

any help would be nice, as it has been holding up the release of my plugin.

What numbers, specifically, were you using? This has been known to occur when you enter values that are too large.

The colour values in oütf resources are a separate issue, but the random values seem to occur only if you enter a higher number than the resource is capable of holding. I've blocked the entry of over-high values in the under-development version 3.3.2, but you should be able to avoid the problem in the mean time by simply making sure to enter only valid numbers.

they where "32768" and "32769"

The maximum value is 32767, amusingly. There's your problem.

..... and this helps me HOW?

Dont put those numbers in. make them less than 32767.

YAY! I figured it out! i can release now!

Heh. User error. The bane of software developers 🙂

Reminds me of some lusers I know...


<silvr2> prof, what dos manaul abort mean? cos i keep gettin dat error msg

shudder (he was sending -SIGTERMs to the program >.>)

Yeah, why does MC have a problem with paint? It annoys me. I'll have to fire up ResEdit. Also, I've had problems with MC checking random boxes for me, but nothing I couldn't fix.

Kenshin the ancient said:

they where "32768" and "32769"

The maximum for many, many of the fields in the resources used by the Escape Velocity games is 32767.

The CrimpMaster, on Jan 30 2006, 10:05 PM, said:

Yeah, why does MC have a problem with paint? It annoys me.

Paint colour selection is broken in the current version, mostly because I tried to use a standard colour picker, which proved incompatible with the oütf resource's odd 15-bit colours. For 3.3.2, I've replaced it with a custom-designed colour picker which seems to work perfectly.

The CrimpMaster, on Jan 30 2006, 10:05 PM, said:

Also, I've had problems with MC checking random boxes for me, but nothing I couldn't fix.
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I haven't been able to track down any cases of this that weren't caused by the user entering over-high values somewhere in the resource. The problem is that in the current version, under some circumstances, this can cause the resource to be incorrectly formatted; in 3.3.2, I've modified the resource framework itself to detect over-high values and replace them with the maximum.