Mission computer

A bit of help

Okay, i've just started proper plug-in creating and am using mission computer vers 3.3. I have written about 12 missions and 30 descs for a plug i'm making. However i realised that seeing as i started making this plug without the other nova data loaded into it, everytime i create a resource it gives it the default ID of 128 then the next 129 and so on. Of course this kinda conflicts with the other resources, like the sol desc is now replaced by the opening desc of my first mission. Is there any way, short of copying every peice of text into a new plug, to fix this? 😞
Thank you!

If you Get Info on its resource, you can change its ID number, so change each conflicting resource to an ID not used by the original scenario.

David Arthur, on Jan 4 2006, 08:02 PM, said:

If you Get Info on its resource, you can change its ID number, so change each conflicting resource to an ID not used by the original scenario.
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Aye. Just don't try this in EVONE.

Thank you. 🙂