Totally Pointless TC

Help make the Totally Pointless TC!

In an effort just to release a TC (seeing as Polycon is the only one out) I am setting out to create one that is totally pointless. I want input from everyone, and don't try to connect your ideas with somebody elses (it's supposed to be pointless, remember?). To start off, I need everyone to give me:

1. System Name


2. Coordinates for said System

Try not to use anything already in existence. Make it "Poop @ -14, 23" or "Queso @ 1000000000000000000000000000, 3"

This should be lots of fun.

EDIT: Oops, I should have posted this in the Develepors forum. Can someone move this?

This post has been edited by danielwellsfloyd : 28 December 2005 - 12:22 AM

This reminds me of a plug someone was designing quite a bit ago. They had people post they're ships and pilot names so they could be put into the game as pers resources. Dont know how that ever turned out, but here's mine:

1. Goosemoot (stellars include: Ed, Razzle, and Damien)

2. 23,88

Edit: if anyone DOES know what happened to that other plug, could they let me know? I'd like to see myself in the game, even if its under a different name and ship than now.

This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 28 December 2005 - 12:38 AM

A side note: stellar requests will come later. Thanks!

And Hamster: I'm doing this one step at a time.

This post has been edited by danielwellsfloyd : 28 December 2005 - 12:39 AM

...So you already have the ship graphics weapon graphics ship rlëds weapon rlëds planet rlëds landing graphics mission strings mission bits dëscs sounds theme and splash done, all you need are the co-ordinates for the systems??

I'm impressed.

1. Blorfshweeze (Donkage Prime, Fooj Station)

2. (13, 66)

1, lyfe (planets: giant star that kills anything it touches)
2, 42,42

danielwellsfloyd, on Dec 28 2005, 12:01 AM, said:

EDIT: Oops, I should have posted this in the Develepors forum. Can someone move this?
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Ewww.... we don't want it... :unsure:

mrxak, on Dec 28 2005, 04:40 AM, said:

Ewww.... we don't want it... :unsure:
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Thanks a lot . . . 😛

danielwellsfloyd, on Dec 28 2005, 04:38 AM, said:

And Hamster: I'm doing this one step at a time.
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We here at Harsh Reality Inc. have found that after intensive product testing, Steps have proved to be our most time consuming, and easily side-trackable product. Please consult our Frustration or Despair customer support hotlines for any trouble you may be experiencing.

Thank you, and have a goal-less day. 🙂

EDIT: What I'm saying, is that it takes a long time to make a TC.

This post has been edited by Hamster : 28 December 2005 - 12:46 AM

The good thing is, it doesn't have to make sense. So, almost no thought-work has to go into it, just grunt work (although that still is a lot of work) but it might end up having five systems,one mission, two pers, ect. Don't think of this as a real TC. Think of it as filling a plug-in with a load of crap.

Anyway, back to the systems!

This post has been edited by danielwellsfloyd : 28 December 2005 - 12:50 AM


Call it ATT.

The Apple Cřre, on Dec 28 2005, 05:11 AM, said:

Call it ATT.
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Oh snap.

Hamster, on Dec 28 2005, 04:45 AM, said:

EDIT: What I'm saying, is that it takes a long time to make a TC.

You're telling me.

danielwellsfloyd, on Dec 28 2005, 04:47 AM, said:

Don't think of this as a real TC. Think of it as filling a plug-in with a load of crap.

Way ahead of you.

I'm obviously not getting the irony of this project.

If you want a random TC, why not just get a load of random numbers (or, say, take log pi and chunk the digits into threes to create effectively random numbers) and use those as your coordinates?

And then take the random planet name generator which shipped with some utility (or, heck, you can write one in AppleScript in ten minutes) to come up with loads of random names. Or, if that's too much work, just take a dictionary, pick out a load of words, and shift the consonants one consonant forward (l becomes m) and the vowels one vowel backwards (e becomes i) to create a string of random names.

You could 'create' two hundred worlds by this process in less time than it would take to enter them into your favourite editor.

This would also be totally pointless, but less painful.

A crap TC a TC does not make. I don't think that anyone in their right minds would bother to download one and I don't think that you are in yours if you actually plan to do this.

rmx256, on Dec 28 2005, 09:00 AM, said:

A crap TC a TC does not make. I don't think that anyone in their right minds would bother to download one and I don't think that you are in yours if you actually plan to do this.
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Oh, come on! Get in the holiday spirit! It sounds fun! 😉

Capt. Radio Willy, on Dec 28 2005, 03:03 PM, said:

Oh, come on! Get in the holiday spirit! It sounds fun! 😉
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Define 'fun'

I still need a few more systems, then I'll move on to stellar objects.

NGC-0126, 35, 51
Uninhabited, No Stellar Objects.

NGC-1439 39, 48
Uninhabited, No Stellar Objects.

NGC-2847 32, 55
Uninhabited, No Stellar Objects.

NGC-3857 26, 44
Uninhabited, No Stellar Objects.

Edit: Because what's a pointless TC without pointless uninhabited systems all over the place?

This post has been edited by UpChuck : 28 December 2005 - 12:28 PM

Martin Turner, on Dec 28 2005, 11:14 AM, said:

Define 'fun'
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ResEdit crashing, tooth breaking off in a prok chop, you know, fun.