I have a Zip drive now

Dr. Trowel has very kindly hosted my Wacky Asteroids plug-in for me. It is not, and probably never will be, completed; in particular I'd like to make a ship for it, but I haven't and most likely won't. Regardless, I now offer it to you, to play with, to tear apart, and to reuse pieces of and concepts from in your future works. As of this posting Edwards is the only person to find the hidden treasure I included.

The plug-in is compressed (thanks to Edwards 🙂 ) as a .sitx archive, and thus the above link might not cause the file to download properly on all browsers. If this happens try smashing your monitor with a sledge hammer and duct-taping your toes together. Er, I mean try right-clicking (control-clicking) on the link and saving it as, if possible, a stuffit archive. If that doesn't work, try loading the page in your browser and copying the gibberish into a new file and saving that as a .sitx. Any way you look at it, you'll need StuffIt to decompress it, and if on Windows it'll have to be converted.

I'd love to hear any feedback you have to offer on my creation. It's the work of just one person (me!) over one weekend (with only four total hours of sleep between Friday morning and Monday night!) so don't expect too much; but please do tell me what you think.


And yea, upon right-clicking and saving, it did'st save it as Asteroids.sitx.txt

But upon taking off the .txt, in the Finder, it didst behave normally, and lo, the file unstuffed.

Here be a zipped version of thine .sitx

Posted Image

Posted Image

Have fun. 🆒