I'm requesting programming assistance

pickup&deliver misn in EVO (w/ res-edit)

I am attempting to design a mission in EVO using res-edit. I want the player to:

get the mission at stellar 128 (128 is in the AvailStel field)
pick up the cargo at stellar 143 (143 is in the TravelStel field)
drop off the cargo at stellar 140 (140 is in the ReturnStel field)
The PickupMode and DropoffMode fields are both set to 1
While playing, the mission begins normally, but when I land on stellar 143 (the travel stellar), there is not response (not even a blank text field). When I land on stellar 140 (the return stellar), I get the LoadCargText. Even if I take off and land on stellar 140 over and over, I keep seeing the LoadCargText every time I land (I havn't found any way to actually complete the mission). Could a programmer with experience please tell me what I'm doing wrong? (Or, if I haven't been descriptive enough in this post, I've attached the file itself)

It's not attached.

Attaching files is sort of...odd. You need to select it and submit, then click on the filename in the list of attachments so it inserts the attachment in the post.

I don't understand your problem; I'd need to see the actual mission. SOmeone else might be a little more insightful.

What is stellar 143? EVO has a few visbit changes, so if you pointed to a planet that no longer exists, strange things will happen. Try it again with a new pilot.

I'm sorry the file wasn't attached, I'm not sure what happened to it. Still, I have now been able to find the problem. PBoat 101, as you suggested, Stellar 143 had been wiped blank by another mission bit (and replaced by an almost identical one in an almost identical system - I had a mission designed to "alter" a planet). I had ReturnStel set to the old (replaced) stellar rather than the new (replacement) stellar. Thank you both for your help, my game is now working again.