Semi-failing Cloakes?

I've noticed somethign unusual with some of my fighters that are equiped with cloaks.

Every once in a while, one of them seems to not be able to cloak properly. That is, it tries to fade out but can't, or seems to get caught in a cloaking/uncloaking cycle.

Usually, the others of the group can cloak fine, but one alwys seems to have some sort of malfunction.

Is this an intentional thing? Or is something else going on?

Are you using an area-cloak outfit? Doing so causes your escorts to appear to fade in and out, but the actual cloaking works. It's just a convention the game engine uses to simulate cloaked escorts.

Flyboy, on Nov 14 2005, 11:19 PM, said:

Are you using an area-cloak outfit? Doing so causes your escorts to appear to fade in and out, but the actual cloaking works. It's just a convention the game engine uses to simulate cloaked escorts.
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Say I have four fighters with cloaking devices set to cloak when just flying around.
I launch the fighters, and three will cloak properly, the fourth will fade in and out as if his cloak is malfunctioning. Also, enemy ships can see him and attack, whereas they don't see the properly cloaked fighters.

On a side note, I take it from lack of replies that I'm the only one with this problem?

I don't think many people have bothered with cloaking fighters.