I don't understand this

Verden Leafglow, on Nov 12 2005, 07:58 AM, said:

Speed makes a difference, the sounds are wrong, the selections are wrong. I want to play EVC with new features, not some alien game that attempts to be like EVC with new features.
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The sounds are not wrong, they are exactly the same sounds from the original EV. Fixing the speed is easy enough to do yourself. Run the data through ConText, open with excel, halve all ship speed values, save, ResStore, and there you go. Speed upgrade values may also need to be halved and weapon turn rates may need to be tweaked too, but these are minor issues.

Did you check out rEVisited at all?

Verden Leafglow, on Nov 11 2005, 01:58 PM, said:

We shouldn't need to make a TC to have a scenario worth playing. Engine may not be the same as scenario, but the engine is pointless to have UNLESS there is a good scenario. The game isn't worth the 25 bucks I paid for it because so far I haven't found one. The original scenario is crap, and people who develop plug-ins for the game base it highly on the original scenario: thus producing crap. Finally, essential elements from the original EV aren't there, specifically: that computer weapons have longer range that player weapons. There is nothing in EVN that can match that type of computer:player balance other than inserting it itself back into the game.

That, my friend, is what we call an opinion. ATMOS made the game they wanted to make. If you don't like it, then tough. As far as I'm concerned, EVN was worth the $30 just for the engine. I consider the scenario more of an added bonus. Hence, opinion. If you don't want to be slammed down, don't try to force your opinions on others.


Speed makes a difference, the sounds are wrong, the selections are wrong. I want to play EVC with new features, not some alien game that attempts to be like EVC with new features.

That's not what it's supposed to be. I feel very sorry for you if you think it is. It is supposed to be game as close to the original as possible with the Nova engine, because Windows users and even most OS X users cannot play the original, including me. Furthermore, the sounds, as Guy said, are the same, and the speed is merely an exact conversion from EVC. EVN goes at your computer's speed, not a static 30 fps, so you will never be able to accurately duplicate EVC's behavior.


Uh, I did say I made a duplicate of the original EV Data, so getting it corrupted isn't a problem. Keeping the resources makes them far easier to access and makes the prodedure far quicker than normal.

And if you'd read more than hald my post, you'd have noticed the "and didn't make a backup". How does copying resources into a file and then picking out which ones you want to remove rather than just moving a silly file make the process easier or make them more accessible? Answer: it doesn't.


I already said I'll use any document except the EV Bible.

Then you're an idiot. I'm serious. You simply cannot develop anything of substance for any of the three games without some version the Bible.


Going by something other than frames is quite possibly the most obvious way of doing it, doing it by frames is just completely stupid. Rather...specific numbers of shield regeneration per second. These make Shield Boosters more balanceable, they don't indirectly cause Shield Capacitors to increase shield regeneration points per second, and it gives a more accurate ability to balance shield regeneration when compared to weapons fire. There is no other better way of doing it.

What the hell are you talking about?

The reason shield capacitors increase the rate, and the reason it's so unbalanced, is that EVC goes by shield percentage points, rather than actual shield points. Going by frames is far superior to going by seconds, since a second as far as EV is concerned is just 30 frames, and controlling it by frame allows you precise control more easily. If you're so worked up about all this, then get over yourself and try the Nova engine out before just dismissing it as s### because the freaking AI weapons don't fire as far (despite the fact that Nova has better AI anyways).