
so does that mean i can't use it, if so teh creator should make one for window users

PoG and EVNova are awsome games

Ah, cheats. (Look of Bliss appears on LabRat's face)
I personally find cheats very useful when I have a limited amount of time on the computer. I never use them the first time I try something, but it is a great deal of fun to have a character with 2000 health. Or to be able to upgrade Staff of Lordship so that you may destroy as many Sea Giants as you want with a single blow. Cheats are fun and interesting, but can get REALLY boring really fast.
I enter a state of somewhat depression after using cheats for several hours.
They are great for skipping back to where you were eariler if you had erased your character by accident or things like that.
Cheats are like Vitamins: Good in small quanties when needed, dangerous in large doses

He who hesitates is probably right

I didn't see the topic but... Apology accepted. I like to cheat when I beat the game. I totally messed up my pokemon gameboy game. So thats busted. But I'm on a windows comp so I don't have all off the plugs for EVN or POG. EVN is great and I dominated all of the polaris (with cheats) and most of the Fed. 🙂



Originally posted by Frigate55:
**I didn't see the topic but... Apology accepted. I like to cheat when I beat the game. I totally messed up my pokemon gameboy game. So thats busted. But I'm on a windows comp so I don't have all off the plugs for EVN or POG. EVN is great and I dominated all of the polaris (with cheats) and most of the Fed.:)


Cheater. 😛 You must be using a KryptPod or something. Or the DisabloBeam 2.0™.

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Visit the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum61/HTML/001202.html")Blue Mushroom Pub!(/url) Laugh so hard your stomach will hurt! Plus, it's filled with over 22 pages of useless information that nobody needs to know!
Also, don't forget the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002944.html#")Boozerama Bar!(/url)


Originally posted by yeoldbat:
**I got to thinking about a reply I made to a post the other day and it's not sitting well with me.

What I said, in essence, was that I thought 'cheats' took the fun out of the game. In retrospect, I realized that that was a bit of a put-down for those who develop and/or use 'cheats'. Soooooo ......

I went out and downloaded a bunch of 'em and gave 'em a try. I had an absolute ball! I had all the gold I could ask for, all the filters of healing I could ever use, instant access to every shop on the map, and the ability to up my stats with a key stroke. And everything worked seamlessly!

And now I need to say "mea culpa", especially to the folks who worked hard developing these programs. Although I still believe that the most satisfying way to win a game is to just work thru it, I also feel that "so called" cheats can also be a heck of a lot of fun too.

I believe I was the one who said give credit where credit is due ... and then I went and stomped on some feelings I'm sure. :frown: You have my humblest apologies.

Now I'm off to rate the plug-ins I tried. And when I try Trinity as a conjurer, I am gonna give myself a little boost in the speed department! (Gonna get by with a little help from my friends! 😉 )

Hugs on allayuz,


Don't worry about it. You were, in essence, correct. Cheating does take the fun out of the game, with one exception(For most games, at least the one's I've played). If you've already beaten the game so many times it gets to be boring, cheating is a way to spice stuff up for a bit. Also, cheats that say, make a game far more gory might make it more fun in general(If you like seeing a guy's head get chopped off like I do :)). However, using cheats before you've beaten a game or the first time you play it not only ruins the experience, but gets boring after a few hours, or even less.

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"BloodRayne just sucked scabby donkey wang."-esw-dragoon_77