A question...


Just for a plug that I'm in the process of making:

Is it possible to have a more complicated version of the Battle of Heraan Astra in the Rebel II string, the one where you have to rescue Raczak before his carrier goes kablooie?

What I mean is, is it possible to have the same mission, but with escorts for the player?

I'm not sure I understand the question.

You've got a mission with a special ship goal of boarding. You've got auxiliary ships that jump in and attack. And you want more auxiliary ships that escort the player? If your problem is defining enough different types of auxiliary ships and their respective behaviors, then just have the mission in question start another mission (Sxxx) that just gives you escorts, and then abort that mission (Axxx) on completing the primary mission.

Does that help?

Close enough, Qaanol, thanks. (NOTE TO SELF: I ought to be clearer next time.)

Doesn't sound too complicated, I may just be able to implement it.

Again, thank you.