Plug Idea's

Just throw it all out...

This is something I'm throwing out here out of bordom and curiosity. My own plug development teams has decended into vaporware, and currently I am a graphics artist with nothing to do. The idea behind this topic is that everyone throws a plug idea out, then we chose the best one's and refine the ideas. Once we're done, we should have a plug that everybody would like to see, and from there, we could form a team and attempt to create said plug. So, fire away!

Starting simple here, a plug called 'The Arbiters', in which those in the Nova universe encounter alien beings that have been watching their progress for some time. As they initiate contact, they infiltrate even the smallest parts of the human colonys, and everything quickly decends into bedlam. It would be up to the player to form a rebellion with whomever he/she can find, and drive the vastly superior alien forces out of the Nova sector.

I don't know what you're on about mate, but I could do with a few graphics for my plug if you're interested. Any examples of your work around?


Hmm some EV Nova plug ideas...

1. Farscape TC or at the least ships. (Watching the feature length special Farscape: The Peace Keeper Wars(out on DVD from Amazon and some other places), is a good place to get ideas since it pretty much has every type of general ship in it (which doesn't include rare ones seen in the series), along with a Wormhole Weapon (really a black hole weapon that just owns...)).

2. Heart of Stone TC (Set in the Future, Everythings gone to hell, humanity is in ruins, Earth's a nuclear wasteland etc. Originally an idea for a roleplaying net game, which never got going).

Here's a link to the original RPG concept
and here's a link to some of the player characters that were going to be in it

My posts are under Horus, posts by A-Red also count as legitimate.

I'd probably work on one of these if I weren't already Project Manager for the unofficial expansion The Fallen's Vengeance for the Game - Myth 2 Soulblighter (plus I can't make ship graphics, and haven't used any form of EV editor in ages).

I'm working on a Star Wars TC, and have most of the ships+weapons, some of the outfits and a large chunk of galaxy that my brother built. I'm not really motivated to make missions, though.

I was actually thinking of doing a FarScape TC. I've seen most of the series and the the peacekeeper wars, so i have a pretty good idea of the different ships and weapons, planets, etc. I want to buy the DVD of the various seasons, but they are expensive. I dont think i could get enough ships or planets especially from memory alone.

This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 30 October 2005 - 11:12 PM

Razzle Storm, on Oct 31 2005, 04:11 AM, said:

I was actually thinking of doing a FarScape TC. I've seen most of the series and the the peacekeeper wars, so i have a pretty good idea of the different ships and weapons, planets, etc. I want to buy the DVD of the various seasons, but they are expensive. I dont think i could get enough ships or planets especially from memory alone.
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I'd be willing to bet that their are plenty of pictures online, or if not going to a Farscape fansite and getting the members to upload also works...

I know what you mean about the prices, I've got 3 - 5 on DVD, while 1 - 2 is on video (want to upgrade 1 - 2 to DVD though but heck prices...). Also got The Peace Keep Wars on DVD.

Now if only I had a image capture system that could transfer images to my mac and didn't cost too much...

A Star Trek TC set in the original series would be really cool. Somebody should do that.


I'd be willing to bet that their are plenty of pictures online, or if not going to a Farscape fansite and getting the members to upload also works...

I thought of that but wasn't sure where i could find info on all the planets Moya has visited and also the many different outfits i could add. I'm already thinking of some and designing a leviathan right now, but if you have any specific sites or ideas, PM me.

This post has been edited by Razzle Storm : 02 November 2005 - 05:41 PM

Razzle Storm, on Nov 2 2005, 10:40 PM, said:

I thought of that but wasn't sure where i could find info on all the planets Moya has visited and also the many different outfits i could add. I'm already thinking of some and designing a leviathan right now, but if you have any specific sites or ideas, PM me.
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I'm guessing that means you have the means to make the ship sprites then?

The best way to go about with the storyline would be to start everything in a system wormhole and a planet. Then dump Crichton's module into it. Already their should be a battle going on between Moya (who is disabled at 200% Armour or something) and the PeaceKeepers.

If you board Moya it becomes your ship and you Starburst (how that effect could be pulled off I don't know), your then dropped into the Crichton Storyline.

If you don't board Moya and she's destroyed you can just go and land on the planet to equip a long range engines (so the module can jump between systems) and find the links to other storylines (PeaceKeeper, Luxan, Rigerian, Delvian Storylines etc).

Heh well I dunno, for the Crichton Storyline your best bet is finding an episode by episode guide (it should name races, planets and basic story etc). There is also the possiblity that their is an illustrated Farscape Universal guide (If there is it's hard to find :/).

This post has been edited by Edward Isaac Ghost : 02 November 2005 - 09:23 PM

I think someone already made a TC for star trek on the original EV, STEV I think it was called. Wasn't very good though, no missions so it was pointless.

Could be a good base to start from though.

I saw screenshots from a STTNG once, but apparently it could not be released? It was from the EVO days. Graphics made in Mechanisto.

This post has been edited by rmx256 : 03 November 2005 - 07:20 AM

For real:

More "special Klavs" type missions. No more than 5 missions per "string". No more than 1 battle. No more than 2 NPCs.

Have each Klav (yes, I do know why they're named that in Nova, and how horribly I'm misusing the term here) focus on a different planet, preferably a planet currently considered "backwater", to encourage the player to make use of more of the universe.

The rewards should be very minor. In most cases just a feeling of accomplishment, or a spot of cash. Background knowledge (aka lore) could be doled out to make the player think they're learning a bit about the people and places of the galaxy. Maybe use stuff from the preambles, or just make something up.

The exploration of a system or the alteration of a planet's description are very good rewards. Other possible rewards could be the granting of a minor outfit such as a solar panel or light cannon, or the unlocking of a ship (Vella class, anyone?). No new outfits, ships, planets, or systems should be created. No graphics or anything either. Just missions and descriptions (and maybe the occasional disaster or chronological event).

If we had 10 people who wanted to contribute, and each made a single Klav, the result would be little work and lots of enjoyment. Who wants to be a part of this? The more the merrier! Just pick a group of 10 ncbs, and post it to prevent overlap, then make your Klav. Open discussion during development is encouraged. Nothing should be a secret. Everyone should know exactly what's going on.

pistgavin, on Nov 3 2005, 07:10 AM, said:

I think someone already made a TC for star trek on the original EV, STEV I think it was called. Wasn't very good though, no missions so it was pointless.

Could be a good base to start from though.

Do you not see the intentional irony in his post?

Someone should make a realistic TC where you get to build your own ships by choosing reactors, engines, turn jets, etc., and you have to balance it out because added weight makes your ship move slower. That would be so cool.

Also, they should make it so that the mission strings don't actually change the outcome of everything, but merely the point of view from which you experience it. And descs should change depending on your abilities.

Plus, if there was some sort of "karma" system where you gain and lose "karma points" based on your actions, that would be cool. And when you die (which should be optional), you get sent to different places depending on how good a person you were.

Man. How cool would a TC like that be? Very.

Yeah, that sounds just as cool as a Star Trek plug based on the original series and subsequent movies (which would be so cool if someone could do that), and if the one you're talking about used as one of its original inspirations some really popular anime series, that'd be cool, too.

You know, I'd also like to see a TC that would be, like, an update of one of the older TCs, like something from Override, where the story was maybe based on a novel, so that it had a real literary feel to it, and if it made use of really interesting reinterpretations of the standard EV/O/N tropes in innovative ways -- you know what I mean? Especially if the update had a sequel to the original story and took advantage of some of the Nova features in, again, really interesting and innovative ways. I'd probably play that a lot.

Ooh, someone should make a TC based on Firefly. That'd be cool.

Ooh, and wouldn't it be neat if some of the best 3-D artists in the EVN community got together and created some awesome graphics for, oh, I don't know, a TC-esque plug that looks at the future of the standard Nova universe? I'd download that and play it, especially if it also featured neat new implementations of the Nova engine.

Man, and if any of the ATMOS guys contributed to some plug-in with neat story enhancements to the original scenario, something so big it could almost be considered a quasi-TC? That would kick serious ass.

This post has been edited by UncleTwitchy : 03 November 2005 - 09:50 PM

Now all of this demiselfindulgant total-conversion rhapsodising is making me feel a little left out... 😞


Yeah, that sounds just as cool as a Star Trek plug based on the original series and subsequent movies (which would be so cool if someone could do that), and if the one you're talking about used as one of its original inspirations some really popular anime series, that'd be cool, too.

You know, I'd also like to see a TC that would be, like, an update of one of the older TCs, like something from Override, where the story was maybe based on a novel, so that it had a real literary feel to it, and if it made use of really interesting reinterpretations of the standard EV/O/N tropes in innovative ways -- you know what I mean? Especially if the update had a sequel to the original story and took advantage of some of the Nova features in, again, really interesting and innovative ways. I'd probably play that a lot.

Ooh, someone should make a TC based on Firefly. That'd be cool.

Ooh, and wouldn't it be neat if some of the best 3-D artists in the EVN community got together and created some awesome graphics for, oh, I don't know, a TC-esque plug that looks at the future of the standard Nova universe? I'd download that and play it, especially if it also featured neat new implementations of the Nova engine.

Man, and if any of the ATMOS guys contributed to some plug-in with neat story enhancements to the original scenario, something so big it could almost be considered a quasi-TC? That would kick serious ass.

HAHAHA nice one Uncle Twitchy.

For those of you who don't get it, those are all TC's being made.

Yes, I got it.

Very nice, Uncle Twitchy.

UncleTwitchy, on Nov 3 2005, 10:46 PM, said:

and if the one you're talking about used as one of its original inspirations some really popular anime series, that'd be cool, too.


For some reason, I found that line hilarious.

For a probably unrelated reason, I was just reminded of some of the inane things our team has come up with - ejecting squirrels into space, for instance.

Oooh, and you know what else would be cool? If somebody made a canon Babylon 5 TC. And if one of the people on the team for it was a cop, that would be so awesome. And if a space pirate was working on it too? Unparalleled 1337ness.

Edit: "lett" isn't a word...

This post has been edited by orcaloverbri9 : 04 November 2005 - 02:38 AM

orcaloverbri9 said:

For some reason, I found that line hilarious.

What? Just because I remember Sephil Saga started out as an attempt at making a Cowboy Bebop TC?


Oooh, and you know what else would be cool? If somebody made a canon Babylon 5 TC. And if one of the people on the team for it was a cop, that would be so awesome. And if a space pirate was working on it too? Unparalleled 1337ness.

Yeah, that would be awesome, especially if they came up with some really unique way to represent the way hyperspace was depicted in that show.

This post has been edited by UncleTwitchy : 04 November 2005 - 06:26 AM


Ooh, and wouldn't it be neat if some of the best 3-D artists in the EVN community got together and created some awesome graphics for, oh, I don't know, a TC-esque plug that looks at the future of the standard Nova universe? I'd download that and play it, especially if it also featured neat new implementations of the Nova engine.

That sounds strangely familiar... 😛