Conjuror Questions

'Smee again.

Am a conjuror playing Trinity with Spells Expander. Have a room at the Tower. Have been to Mage Village. Completed Fayleese's (first?) quest.

Now I'm trying to find Bernard. I can see "someone" on the other side of the stream by the water wheel, but I can't reach him. Tried searching on the outside of the fence only to have my computer freeze, the game crash, or receive an error type message regarding dialog.

Tried the Blink spell and ended up in "his" woods, but couldn't get to him.

Would try the Transport(?) spell if I had any clue what coordinates were or how to find them.

So, here I am, asking for help again.

Hugs on alla yuz,

Some days you're the pigeon.
Some days you're the statue.

Someone in town must know him and perhaps know a way to cross over. It's worth a try. 🙂

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG.


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**Someone in town must know him and perhaps know a way to cross over. It's worth a try.:)


Ahhh! Thankee Ducky!

But now he's thrown me out on my patoot 4 times. I've heard diligence pays off, so I guess I'll just hafta keep tryin' .... unless there's something else I need to do.

(Bernard is a big ol' mea-ny! )

Hugs on ya,

Some days you're the pigeon.
Some days you're the statue.


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**Someone in town must know him and perhaps know a way to cross over. It's worth a try.:)


Okay. I've got it now ... for the moment.

Tune in next time .......... 😄

Hugs again,

Some days you're the pigeon.
Some days you're the statue.


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
**Someone in town must know him and perhaps know a way to cross over. It's worth a try.:)


Well, I'll be! I must have played this game through 20+ times, all the characters, all the major plugs, and I never knew that. I either relocate or blink into Bernard's woods and wait until he comes close enough to get his attention. I guess you never stop learning. And now I can't play another game to find out until they fix PoG with Panther. I guess I could fire up Classic and try it. Any news on how close they are to a fix?

BIBLE: Basic Information Before Leaving Earth

Same here SilverEagle, but once i saw this I went and found person, and wished i hadn't wasted so much magic points on blink.


PoG and EVNova are awsome games


Originally posted by KrayzKid:
**Same here SilverEagle, but once i saw this I went and found person, and wished i hadn't wasted so much magic points on blink.



I am so far removed from being a pro at this game it's laughable, but .....

There are 2 things I started doing when I first got into RPG's. Before doing anything "experimental", I would make and save a new file for back up. The other thing I did in this instance was to save the game right before "blinking" around. When my blinks were not what I wanted, I quit and reloaded the saved game. No wasted magic points. 😉

Hope those are tips that can help someone avoid future frustration.

Hugs on ya,

Some days you're the pigeon.
Some days you're the statue.


Originally posted by KrayzKid:
Same here SilverEagle, but once i saw this I went and found person, and wished i hadn't wasted so much magic points on blink.

You could blink 100 times and still not hit the right spot. Logic says that the author of the plugin would certainly have a better way in mind when he wrote the script. Part of puzzle solving is figureing out possible solutions and selecting those that make sense. Since the mages all had access to the tower, wouldn't it seem plausible that they knew each other and knew how to keep in touch?

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
(url="http://";=damselsV1.1.sit")Damsels in Distress(/url) - A plugin for PoG.