Some help using EVNEW plz

Editing a planet

I was trying to edit the pirate planet Harbor on the Scheall system to stop it from firing at me, cuz I find it so annoying, but I haven't had any luck. The planet shoots this white thing that kinda paralyzes you and it sucks. The third time I edited it, I was pretty damn sure it would work, but it still didn't.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

No experience with EVNew, but I can tell you what you're looking for. The spob resource has a MinStaus setting in it. Change the value of Harbor's MinStatus to -32767. This will keep the planet from firing at you, and you can always land (you will never be denied, or have to bribe)

I tried that, I edited the spob Harbor in the Nova Data 2.rez but it didn't work...

There's a slot in EVNEW when I open the spobs, specifically Harbor that says Minimum Status. It used to be set to 2 and I set it to what you said, which is -32767, but it didnt seem to affect it in any way. Any other ideas?

This should really be in the Developer's Corner.

I'll just move it over there.

Minstatus doesnt matter because pirates are xenophobic. Find the field that declares what kind of weapon it has and change that to -1, or change the govt to independant. Or make a free outfit that drastically increases your ion tolerance. Pirates always attack you because they are pirates, and you, by virtue of flying a not pirate ship, are a target.