Someone did me a favour.

And my problem is solved.

Hey y'all. Just thought I'd add a char to WinNova. I'm only adding one char, so it does work. I added the Igazra from Override, and loaded up the game.

Only problem is that, although I have 200 tonnes of cargo space, I can't buy any outfits. Anyone know why this may be?

Here's my plug in case anyone needs it:

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by pp0u20e8 : 05 June 2005 - 01:33 PM

Well, it could be that cargo space isn't used to buy outfits.

If you can't buy any outfits at all, no matter what, you probably need to set the particular bits that pretty much every ship in Nova have-the ones that ensure the Vell-os cannot purchase outfits on their telepathic craft.

-Consul Bob

Consul Bob, on Jun 5 2005, 06:59 AM, said:

Well, it could be that cargo space isn't used to buy outfits.

If you can't buy any outfits at all, no matter what, you probably need to set the particular bits that pretty much every ship in Nova have-the ones that ensure the Vell-os cannot purchase outfits on their telepathic craft.

-Consul Bob
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To be more specific, that would be "Bit 1" in the Contribute Bits field of your ship resource. It is the lack of this bit that prevents Vell-Os players from purchasing outfits.

Edit: After looking at your plug, your ship does indeed need the first bit in the Contribute Bits field set.

This post has been edited by GutlessWonder : 05 June 2005 - 08:23 AM

Cool thanks guys.

As for the 'cargo space' problem, that was a typo. Or more a mental error, as I had just woken up...

Thanks again.

I have a plug (unposted) that lets you buy some of the old ships from EV (1) and EVO (5 I think). I was going to post it right away but the Norton company told us that they could make my Norton 2005 work, it didn't work.

This post has been edited by Sylvanus : 05 June 2005 - 01:42 PM

I don't think God himself could make Norton 2005 work.

Which ships are ported?

I bet satan could...

You can fly the Azdara, Igazara, defender, Zidara, Zidara fighter, and the Cresent Warship.


You can fly the... defender....

That's the coolest ship from EVC! I love that ship! It's so... totally... almost-as-cool.... as me!

That makes it pretty damn uncool, seeing as anyone who has to go on and on about how cool they are is actually a complete dork.

To put this in perspective, not only is Conan O'Brien cooler than you, so is Craig Kilborne, the former host of the Late Late Show and self-styled biggest dork on television.

This post has been edited by CaptJosh : 09 June 2005 - 12:46 AM

Zapp please don't insult the defender <_< (I guessing you were only joking ;). Yoou too Cap. Josh. I will submit the file when I have ten minutes to spare. I'm on a slow connection so bare with me. Now we must pray that only a few members have ego trips.

Does it come with a set of steak knives? Sylvanus, you should make another version where you have the Lightning. I loved that ship. I could make it do ANYTHING.

The Cheat, on Jun 10 2005, 06:49 AM, said:

Does it come with a set of steak knives? Sylvanus, you should make another version where you have the Lightning. I loved that ship. I could make it do ANYTHING.
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\ /
-- {} -- {Lightbulb}
/ '' \
I'll add to the current version, I'll add the lightning and halk and have it so the Krestle (updated with better outfits) has them too. :laugh: Any other requests.

P.S. It'll take more time but it should be worth it.

Ok, Lightening, Hawk, Kestrel. Sheesh.

Well you have to admit the new Krestrel looks sweet, but it isn't the rip gut, power house, killing thing it was. Thats why I want to beef it up I'm only making it carry hawks. I can't spell very good.

P.S. The weird thing was suppost to be a lightbulb but the margins failed.

Bit 1, hm, that would fix all of my problems. Thank you for posting this, in my random opening of this topic, I have just found the fix to most of my ship problems.

Sylvanus, on Jun 11 2005, 09:39 AM, said:

P.S. The weird thing was suppost to be a lightbulb but the margins failed.
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You have my most sincere condolences.