Plug Bug

Help would be aprecated

Ok, I made a plug that adds the oütf resource for a launcher,the dësc resorce for that launcher, the oütf resource for the ammunition,the dësc resource for the ammunition and the required wëap resource.It does work,but when you fire the weapon the ammo count doesn't change (every thing else works). I'm running mac osx 10.3.9 used mission comp. to make the plug but I do have access to rez edit with nova tools.

Any and all seguestions (SP?) will be greatly apreciated,
Bird of War

This post has been edited by Bird of War : 04 April 2006 - 12:28 PM

The wierd thing about weapons is they dont use the ID, the use the real rescource number. You probably have a 128 added onto some number that it shouldnt be. Also check to make sure that the weapon is actually set to use its own ammo (ie weapon 128 should be set to use ammotype 0).

K, will do, Thanks!

This post has been edited by Bird of War : 18 May 2005 - 06:08 PM

I do suggest you use ResEdit with NovaTools, it's much more informative (though complicated, as well). You'll get the hang of it with practice and a few questions and some looking at the EVN Bible. A warning, though: sometimes (though still very rarely), weapons will decide to be grumpy and not work the way they should, as ToLazyToMakeAnAccount could tell you.

(SIDE NOTE: People, please watch your spelling. I know it's not THAT big a deal, but it's still a little irritating to see bad spelling, especially from somebody with as much experience as over 1,000 posts. I know I'm not a moderator, but I request that my peers here please not forget the importance of spelling and good grammar.)

Fnoigy, on May 20 2005, 01:30 AM, said:

(SIDE NOTE: People, please watch your spelling. I know it's not THAT big a deal, but it's still a little irritating to see bad spelling, especially from somebody with as much experience as over 1,000 posts. I know I'm not a moderator, but I request that my peers here please not forget the importance of spelling and good grammar.)
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hear hear!

@ black hole: You know, It's much more helpful when you post on the topic, instead of reiterating somthing that was said one post up.

Bird of War

I don't understand what prompted that rant on Fnoigy's part o.0

NebuchadnezzaR said:

I don't understand what prompted that rant on Fnoigy's part o.0

I THINK that he was referring to this:


The wierd thing about weapons is they dont use the ID, the use the real rescource number.

spelling weird incorrectly and using "the" instead of "they" is what I think Fnoigy meant. I don't think it really matters though because we all knew what you meant.