Help--plug develop. for Win.

I need help with developing plugs for Windows Nova. Is there some kind of Res Edit for Win out there??

It's called EVNEW, some one not as lazy as me will come along and offer a link, but I'm lazy. Welcome to the boards dude 😄 you'll find we're all as helpful as me :blink:


Welcome to the boards, cooldude91. Don't worry, not all of us here are as cough helpful cough as zapp. 🙂

For more developing questions, visit the Developer's Corner. There you'll most likely find more Nova-engine-familiarized people.

In fact, I'll shift us over there now...

Here's the link. Welcome to the wonderful world of EVN plug development. We'll give you the link for Nova Addicts Anonymous later...........

I take offense to that insinuation Kitkut. You're a mean and truthful person. I hate you. (I'm just joking about that hating part....)

I, for one, admire Zapp. I've always wanted to procrastinate...........

...... I just keep putting it off !!!

It should be noted kitkut link's is more up to date - azratax hasn't updated his site in a long time, and neither the 1.0.4 version nor its source code are available there, where flyboy linked to. The official page is now

This post has been edited by Zacha Pedro : 16 May 2005 - 09:56 AM

Flyboy, on May 15 2005, 12:39 AM, said:

I, for one, admire Zapp. I've always wanted to procrastinate...........

...... I just keep putting it off !!!
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:laugh: :laugh: Good one Flyboy. Welcome to the boards. (I'm sure you heard this well enough already) EVNEW is easy enough to understand, I didn't even read the EVN bible at first 😞 and got on well. You'll probily do the smart thing a lot quicker than me and at least look it over.

Yeah! I have a fan club! Your very nice Flyboy. Can you start a website dedicated to me? 🙂