Pyro-GX plug-in

No. Actually, I've HEARD them shooting the fusion cannon, and I fixed that. Wait until you get the current version when it comes up on the add-ons page to voice technical problems, please.

purple1, on May 7 2005, 01:04 PM, said:

I like the Fusion Cannon! Nice render! It's a little weak, though, and slow. The real Fusion Cannon (whoa, did I just say it's real? just a game... just a game...) is slow but incredibly powerful. And it has a mighty kickback. But I'm not sure that kickback would be very easy to do.View Post

Actually, standard recoil is very easy. There's a field in the wëap resource for it.
Unfortunately, the human player is not affected by reverse recoil, where firing the weapon knocks you forward. However, AI ships are affected by revers recoil, and the player does get knocked around by standard recoil.

Anyway, great plug so far! IMO, the fusion cannon should have a more bolt-like sprite, but that's just me. Too bad it's impossible to add the charging...
