Has anyone done this.

Strange, I thought I mentioned this long ago, I could be wrong but then it was a long time ago. But it be interesting if however you could make an alternate parallel universe which was the galaxy 300 years ago before the fall of the System's Commonwealth seeing how the Andromeda tends to time travel.

Vast Deathmaster, on Apr 29 2005, 11:43 PM, said:

I'd make the Andromeda Ascendant a pers. You'd have Dylan Hunt popping in every once in a while to say hello, which I would think would be appropriate. If Dylan has slept with every beautiful woman he has met then he has certainly missed a few (Beka, Trance, Rommie and Doyle)
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All right then most of the good-looking women 😉 , I like the idea with Andromeda as a Person, I'm also going to use the other ships (The Persious, ect.) The world ship will be interesting, I'm not sure If I should make it a ship, a station or one of each :huh: Please give opinions. I'm starting on the map now.

Coraxus, on May 1 2005, 01:41 AM, said:

Strange, I thought I mentioned this long ago, I could be wrong but then it was a long time ago. But it be interesting if however you could make an alternate parallel universe which was the galaxy 300 years ago before the fall of the System's Commonwealth seeing how the Andromeda tends to time travel.
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I wasn't sure at first, I thought of the alternate galaxys then makeing two plugs, I like the first idea. The battle of Witch Head would be a good one. :laugh: