Corrupted World File

I was recently playing around in ResEdit, working with the MASCOT Graphics. I screwed something up, big. I tried to open my world with my MASCOT and I belive I ruined the file. When I try to open the World File with ResEdit, it advises me to repair the file. It tries but fails. Can anyone help? I did not have a recent back-up. :mad:

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.
-Clarence Darrow

Well hmm, it would appear to me that you are simply SOL. =(

The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. --Socrates
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. --Thomas Edison
Lack of will power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability. -- Flowers A. Newhouse

Ouch, that's too bad. I sure hope you don't work for OBW.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Ouch, that's too bad. I sure hope you don't work for OBW.

Sarcasm, right? And he is working on somthing other than OBW. I was looking forward to Extemperanous(sp?). Hope you can fix it. What did you do?

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"Six by nine. Forty-two." "That's it. That's all there is."-Douglas Adams

I kept having the same problem time after time after time after time (way back when BN was still in action), and I wish I knew what was causing it. (#1 idea: Editing a world file in ResEdit and MASCOT at the same time.) Regardless, I was still able to modify my world fine, although now it saves changes only when it feels like it. I open up my world to begin a good day's work only to find the past half-hour's work not present. Even stranger, sometimes those "lost" modifications popped up again later. After awhile it kinda' stopped, but it was irritating.

If your R&D; department makes any breakthroughs, I'll be happy to put them in practice myself.

Greetings - I am your friendly neighborhood moderator. Over the coming years I shall force-feed you my biased one-sided liberal tripe that I find truthful based upon my own faulty and fragmented logic; excessive smileys 🙂 🙂 🙂 and bizarre TexT! formatting also help clarify my inane points. Welcome to the boards!


Originally posted by spamguy:
**I kept having the same problem time after time after time after time (way back when BN was still in action), and I wish I knew what was causing it. (#1 idea: Editing a world file in ResEdit and MASCOT at the same time.) Regardless, I was still able to modify my world fine, although now it saves changes only when it feels like it. I open up my world to begin a good day's work only to find the past half-hour's work not present. Even stranger, sometimes those "lost" modifications popped up again later. After awhile it kinda' stopped, but it was irritating.

If your R&D; department makes any breakthroughs, I'll be happy to put them in practice myself.

When I try to open my file it doesn't load and the world name (in the right hand bar) looks something like this "*^HJGdjhhhjhhyhl§^^"

It appears I am proverbial, "screwed" Fortunately, I had only made a few (hundred) changes, hopefully I can remember them.

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.
-Clarence Darrow


Posted by Spamguy:
#1 idea: Editing a world file in ResEdit and MASCOT at the same time.)

Nay, nay. I edit my world file with both at the same time quite a lot. All I get is a "Level cannot be saved" error in MASCOT if I try to save. And the changes don't take effect until ResEdit is closed. Hope that helps.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better