
Extemperaneous is the name of the world I just created with Mascot. I intend to make at least four more levels:

Level 1: Yttrotantalite (Complete)

Level 2: Down and Out in the Depths

Level 3: Aquatic Habinat

Level 4: Magical Mystery Tour

Level 5: Break on Through to the Other Side


I would really like any comments or tips you have. Like how do you make the ground around the acid green instead of red?
You can e-mail me at ent@makingbooks.com. Thanks in advance.

-Emperor Ent


(This message has been edited by Emperor Ent (edited 11-02-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Emperor Ent (edited 11-03-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Emperor Ent (edited 11-03-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Emperor Ent (edited 11-03-2000).)


Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
**Extemperaneous is the name of the world I just created with Mascot. I intend to make at least four more levels:

Level 1: Yttrotantalite (Complete)

Level 2: Down and Out in the Depths

Level 3: Aquatic Habinat

Level 4: Magical Mystery Tour

Level 5: Break on Through to the Other Side


I would really like any comments or tips you have. Like how do you make the ground around the acid green instead of red?
You can e-mail me at ent@makingbooks.com. Thanks in advance.

-Emperor Ent

I can't DL it.

"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." -- G.W. Bush
"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it." -- G.W. Bush
"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" -- G.W. Bush
Bush is a moron! VOTE FOR ALBERT GORE!

If you wish to download Extemperaneous please go to (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/emu_developers/ferazel.html")http://www.geocities...rs/ferazel.html(/url) . When you click the link it will begin to download and then fail, if you try again it should work. Thanks aschaaf_86 for telling me.

Emperor Ent


It's an excellent level. Very hard, but not too much so. No comments.

So Bush says education is his highest priority?
According to the College Board, Texas is 44th in the nation for SAT scores (995 out of 1600). Yessir, leave no child behind.