EV/EVO/EVN to Freelancer Mod

And vice versa

For those of you who don't know what Freelancer is, it's the Sequal to Starlancer and is very similar in concept to EV. (Besides the fact that it's realtime, it's 3d, and multiplayer capable).

I've been thinking about making an EV mod for Freelancer since I found out it was possible to mod the game. In order to make this mod, I'd need some models and textures from the game I want to convert. Does anyone know where I can get any (either original or reproduced)? I would model them myself, but I suck at it. :unsure:

Also, I've been thinking about making an EVN plugin putting elements of Freelancer into the game. Anyone who's played the game willing to help out?

I believe the original models for EVO are available on the add-ons page. There may be reproductions by other members of the community elsewhere, though I don't think anyone's done any for EVN. Also, the models for EV would have been distributed along with the EVO ones, but apparently they got lost (that said, they are simple enough that with a little effort, a good modeler could do a good job redoing them).