Mission BBS with iPod like menu system

Directly on top of it I believe

Using just Mxxx will make you move systems, but you don't get kicked off the planet. I tried it when on Earth once, and it moved me to the new system, but I was still on Earth. I don't know if it causes NCb's to be reevaluated though...

If the set expression is evaluated while you are on a planet, Mxxx and Nxxx don't move you until you leave the planet, as I recall it. Of course, if you absquatulate the player, too, they'd leave as soon as you dismissed the dialog.

~ SP

Actually, you are moved as soon as the set string is evaluated.
Unfortunately, all I managed to do when attempting to change the available mission with this was to dis able the first mission. The second mission didn't show up until I took off and landed. 😞