
What are they?

As some who read my previous topic could tell, I'm working on my first plug in, and multiple times on the Field Help in EVONE it references bits.


Any help would be great.

Okay, first off, welcome to the boards.

Since you are new, you may have not yet noticed, but there are certain rules, and the most important is search before you post.

Secondly, look at the top of the EV Dev Corner: All the important links you'll ever need. That's where you should look even before searching.

Inside you will find Entarus' guide to NCBs, which are Nova Control Bits.
It's very complete.

And then you should also check the Bible because it gives you enough info about bits to know what they are.

AFter all those steps and you still don't know what a bit is, basically they're what make Nova missions go. But the previous sentence is not enough info to actually tell you what possibilites there are, how to use them, etc.

Welcome to the boards, Smittens.

To answer your original question, a bit is a sort of flag that's either on (1) or off (0). They're the main way you can move the game along in Nova -- missions can check to see if certain bits are set (i.e. on), or perhaps a particular outfit is only available if a certain bit is set. Bits can be set or cleared by various things in Nova, like completing a mission.

I hope that clears some things least, if I'm understanding your question correctly.

In any case it wouldn't be a bad idea to at least peruse the EVN Bible. It is the document that one uses for plug-in development, especially if they aren't using a nice editor like you're using. Even if you are, it can't hurt to look through it to get a feel for how the inner workings of EVN, well, work.

Good luck, and feel free to ask if you can't find your answers in the written resources found in the topic that Pace mentioned.

Well, Firebird, thanks for the most comprehensive answer. Unforutunately I haven't played EVN so this is going to work for EVO. I haven't searched the boards yet (sorry), but I did use the find command in the EVO Bible...couldn't find anything. But I'll search on the boards, see what I find.

I would've given you the whole comprehensive answer myself, but we encourage finding the answer yourself, then if it's completely hopeless, then we tell you. 🙂

No worries. Instead of doing the work of looking for an answer, I just went into my Sci-Fi MMORPG and asked one of the hundreds of players in there who played EV and made plug-ins, and got a straight/comprehensive answer from them.
