At last, the gövt annotated template!

also, a poll.

Poll: What do you want me (Zacha Pedro) to do next? (21 member(s) have cast votes)
What do you want me (Zacha Pedro) to do next?
Do other such annotated templates (shďp, chär, etc...)
(11 votes [52.38%])
Percentage of vote: 52.38%
Do other kind of guides (put then a post telling which kind)
(0 votes [0.00%])
Percentage of vote: 0.00%
HTML-ise my works (should be easy enough) and put them in an actual dedicaced place (such as [s]Bomb's[/s] Zacha Pedro's plugin guide)
(6 votes [28.57%])
Percentage of vote: 28.57%
Test what I wrote so far (almost all info comes from the Bible and common knowledge)
(0 votes [0.00%])
Percentage of vote: 0.00%
Do other (tell what)
(0 votes [0.00%])
Percentage of vote: 0.00%
Rest and actually play the damn game!
(1 votes [4.76%])
Percentage of vote: 4.76%
I don't vote in polls
(3 votes [14.29%])
Percentage of vote: 14.29%

Sorry folks, I've been kept busy by RealLife™, odd gövt flags, and my quest to extract music from Harry (partially successful, check Help On The Way). I've begun shďp, but I'd like to ask you what to do then since I'm not quite sure what would be the best. Any idea? Thanks in advance. As always, comments are more than welcome.

Annotated template:
The gövt resource

The gövt resource stores info for one government, each gövt resource being one government. Not all of them need to own planets/systems or have ships in space: for instance, sometimes a gövt resource is used to create a government that will only serve for a mission auxiliary ships; the government looks like another, except it always attacks the player. Also, the "independant" government always exists, but there is no gövt resource for it, some features are missing (ScanMask) while some are copied from gövt ID 128 (such as the legal rating penalties).

To begin with, the name of the gövt resource is used as the name of the government as the ruler of the system the player is currently selecting in the hyperspace map, so you can't use it as you wish. However, you can if the government is not to own any system (for instance if the government serves only in a mission, like "Psycho Voinian" in EVO/The Override TC), also, the semicolon ( ; ) comments work here as well.

The VoiceType field
This number field (that can be/come with some popup menus in your editor) tells which voices to use when a ship with this government as its inherent government escorts the player.
- -1 for ships with this inherent government to use no escort voice (silent)
- 0 is used by independant ships; notice ships that have no inherent government defined will always use the 0 voices
- 1 is used by Federation-inherent ships
- 2 is used by Rebel-inherent ships
- 3 is used by Polaris-inherent ships
- 4 is used by Auroreans-inherent ships (as well as ships specific to each house)
- 5 is used by Pirate-inherent ships
- 6 is used by Wild Geese-inherent ships (the WG Lightning)
- 7 is unused in the default Nova scenario, you can use it to give your new government whole new escort voices, provided your plug includes the corresponding snd resources. The IDs where the snd resources are found (and where you should put your own if you wish to add/replace by/put your ones) can be found in the Bible. Notice that if you're doing a TC, all eight (0 to 7) VoiceType values can be reused.

7 is the maximum you can put. An exception however is that you can put 1000-1007 to force the ships to only use the female versions of the corresponding voices, and 2000-2007 to only use the male versions (in the default Nova scenario, this only works for Pirate and Aurorean voices, and it's the other way round for Wild Geese!).

The sounds are stored (as 'snd ' resources obviously) at IDs starting from 1000:
-IDs 1000 to 1009 store voice type 0 acknowledgement speech,
-1010-1019, VT 0 targeting speech,
-1020-1029, VT 0 victory speech,

-1100-1109, VT 1 acknowledgement speech,
-1110-1119, VT 1 targeting speech,
-1120-1129, VT 1 victory speech,
...up to:
-1700-1709, VT 7 acknowledgement speech,
-1710-1719, VT 7 targeting speech,
-1720-1729, VT 7 victory speech.

You don't need to use all 10 available slots for each voice type speech, just make them consecutive and starting from the beginning (1000-1007 for instance). However, in order to use the male/female feature, the number of sounds need to be even for all speech types for the particular voice type, then the male voices are to be at even IDs (i.e. 1000, 1002, 1004, 1006) and the female voices at odd IDs (i.e. 1001, 1003, 1005, 1007).

The Flags field
There is quite a number of flags in the gövt resource:
-"Xenophobic": this government considers everyone but their allies as enemies, potentially including the player, as a consequence their warships attack pretty much everyone. This flag is mostly used for pirate (and assimilated) governments.
-"Nosy": In non-allied (but non-enemy) systems, warships of this government will attack the player (or not) by comparing the legal status of the player in the system (that pertains to the other, non-allied government) to its own CrimeTol, making it possible for it to attack even if the player is not considered a criminal there by the local authorities (thus this government being nosy). The default behavior is for the warships of this government to never spontaneously attack the player in systems belonging to non-allied-nor-enemy governments (they consider they don't have the authority to act outside of their juridiction). This flag is set for the Aurorean government and Vell-os, for instance.
-"Always attacks player": as simple as that; usually set for a government that will be used only for a mission's auxiliary ship or another such very special use. This flag is set for three special "Bureau" gövts at IDs 164, 193, and 195.
-* "Immune to player's shots": the reason this flag exists is not really known. Unused in the default Nova scenario.
-"Retreat when shields low": the warships of this government will break combat and flee when their shields go below 25%; default behavior is to fight to the death. This flag is almost always set for governments in the default scenario: Rimertans and very few others have it unchecked.
-"Ignore Samaritan" (also known by other names): when a ship of this government is under attack, nosy non-allied ships ignore his plea for help (while they would normally as part of their anti-piracy watch). This is set for the Federation, the Aurorean empire, most houses (though not Heraan) and some others.
-"Never attacks player": This makes this government pretty much allied with the player, no matter what. Also, notice that player's weapons can't hit ships of this government to prevent friendly fire. This flag is the corresponding one to "Always attacks player", only really used for mission ships, and it is unused in the default Nova scenario (probably because it used to serve to give auxiliary ships as pseudo-escorts to the player for a difficult "kill the ennemy ship(s)" mission in EVC and EVO, and this can be done better in Nova with a silent mission that gives actual escorts as special ships).
-"Freighters get 50% jamming": freighters of this government (i.e. the ships with AIType 1 or 2) get 50% of the InherentJam value of this gövt (see that field); many governments have this flag set, while the Polaris don't.
-"Përs don't use escape pod": përs of this government who have an escape pod won't use it, but they will reappear anyway when they are killed (i.e. they won't be considered dead). This is set for Rimertans.
-"Warships take bribes": you can (sometimes) sucessfully beg ships of this government for mercy. Otherwise, don't even think about it: they will always refuse. This flag is set mainly for the Federation, the Moash, and of course the Pirates.
-"Can't hail": ships of this government cannot be hailed at all; this is mostly used for "alien" governments and the like: this flag is set for the Hyperioids, for instance. Note that this property extends to ship types that are inherently of this government, regardless of their affiliation, so this is best used for actually alien governments. A fun thing is it's the way the fact cargo drones can't be hailed is implemented: the cargo drone ship is actually inherently of govt ID 184 ("Cargo Drone Robots"), that has this flag set and doesn't exist for anything more than this purpose.
-"Derelicts": ships of this government are created disabled. Notice no one cares if anyone (including you) boards or destroys such a ship, and governments who have the next flag set will gladly board ships of such a government.
-"Plunderers": warships of this government will plunder disabled enemy ships before destroying them; then again useful for pirates, but set as well for houses Vella, Dani and Moash, for Bounty Hunters... Beware! This flags is known to prevent ships of this government to refuel the player, even for a price, even if the government is set (with a ränk or the "roadside assistance" flag) to help the player for free.
-"Freighters take bribes": same as for warships, and set for almost the same governments.
-"Planets take bribes": the planets of this government will (sometimes) accept bribes from the player to let him land when he' normally not allowed to. Otherwise, their spaceport officiers are completely uncorruptible and it's very hard to land when unwanted.
-"Greedy ships and bribable planets": ships of this goverment will extort you more when you bribe them, and their planets will always take bribes; this is meant for pirates who actually are after your money when they attack you and whose planets always have "interesting" stuff for the not-pirate-but-courageous-player...
-* "No beg for mercy/request assistance button": When a ship of this government is hailed, only the greetings and close comm buttons will be displayed, and answers to the greetings will be in the like of "sensors are picking up only static". This is set for the Aurorean houses but the Heraan, and the Nil'kemorya, for instance
-* "Minor government": when drawing map boundaries, this government is considered minor. Not all the implications of this are know; this is set for the five Aurorean houses as well as some others such as Rebellion. Notice you don't need to set this if the government does not own any stellar.
-* "No boundaries": This government will be completely ignored when drawing the boundaries on the map; then again this serves only if the government in question owns a stellar.
-* "No distress messages": This government's ships will not send distress messages when attacked; this property extends to all ships that are inherently of this government, so this is best used for aliens... or cargo drones.
-* "Roadside assistance": The ships of this government will always refuel/repair the player, and for free. This is pretty rare, as this makes more sense when given with a ränk: this is only set for the Vell-os and the Duellists in the default scenario.
-* "Don't use hypergates": Ships of this government will no use the available hypergates, for whichever reason you care (not) to give. This is actually very often the case, save for Nil'kemorya and the ones who have the next flag set.
-* "Prefers hypergates": Ships of this government prefer to use hypergates, rather than jumping out; this is set mainly for the Rebellion and Sigma Shipyards.
-* "Prefers wormholes": Ships of this government prefer to use wormholes, rather than jumping out; this is set mainly for Pirates, some aliens, and ATMOS (so that they don't jump out at S7evyn when there is no hyperlink from it...)

The CrimeTol field
This number field tells the amount of negative legal rating the player can have before the warships of this government will start attacking him. Notice this is also the unit in the legal rating scale: 1 unit of goodness/evilness in the scales in the Appendix II of the Bible is actually an amount of CrimeTol points, that can be "earned" by missions and the penalties found a few fields below. You can put something like 32000 for this government to be infinitely patient for some special reason; however, I don't think it's a good idea to put 0 or less (put instead a negative enough value in the InitialRec field).

  • The ScanFine field
    This number field is the amount of money the player will be fined when he has been scanned carrying an illegal, non-mission-related, cargo or outfit: 0 to fine nothing, or a positive value to fine as many credits. Also, a negative value will be the percent of the player's cash to fine (-10 to remove 10%), it's safer to remove big amounts of cash this way as you can be sure not to go over the amount of credits the player owns. Notice this feature is completely unused in the default Nova scenario (0 for all governments).

The SmugPenalty field
This number field states the number of legal rating points the player will lose when he has been scanned carrying illegal cargo (including illegal mission cargo) or an illegal outfit by a ship of this government. Illegal stuff is defined in the ScanMask fields of this government and the stuff in question.

The DisabPenalty field
This number field states the number of legal rating points the player will lose when he disables a ship of this government (for just disabling).

The BoardPenalty field
This number field states the number of legal rating points the player will lose when he boards a ship of this government (notice most of the times the DisabPenalty has been applied first, so this is on top of disabling).

The KillPenalty field
This number field states the number of legal rating points the player will lose when he destroys a ship of this government (notice most of the times the DisabPenalty has been applied first, so this is on top of disabling).

The ShootPenalty field
This number field states the number of legal rating points the player will lose when he shoots a ship of this government. This field is currently ignored, ever since its definition in EVC. But who knows, maybe EV 637.0.1 will eventually implement this feature, so fill this field anyway (there are some values here in the data files of the default Nova scenario).

The InitialRec field
This number field is the number of legal rating points for all systems owned by this government, at the start of the game, leave 0 for the default "clean" rating at the beginning. Notice the legal rating is kept system-wise (i.e. there is one number for each system), so as to allow the player to be liked in some part of the government's empire and not that much at others, however this means only the legal record of the government that owns the system is kept, and used for all stellars inside the system.

The MaxOdds field
This number field is, in percent, the maximum enemy forces/allied forces ratio at which the ships of this goverment will attack, more than that and they won't bother the ennemy (but the enemy, on the other hand...). Let me explain. Each ship has a value of strength, defined in the shďp resource's Strength field. Depending on the remaining shield amount of the ship, a multiplier from 30% to 100% is applied. Then the strengths of the ennemy ships are summed, and compared to the sum of the strengths of the allied ships. If the computed ratio (enemy/ally) is superior to the value (first divided by 100) in this field, the ships of this government will not consider the odds favorable, and won't attack. This means a value of 100 will make ships of this govermnent only attack when they are as strong or stronger than their enemies (usually for pirates). A value of 200 will make ships of this government attack unless they are outnumbered by more than 2-to-1, 300, 3-to-1, etc, and everything in between is possible; notice "normal" governments (i.e. not Ambrosia/ATMOS nor mission-only ones) in the default Nova scenario have this value in the 115-350 range, except Hyperioids who have 50 and won't attack unless they outnumber the ennemy by 2-to-1!

The Class fields
These four number fields allow you to place this government in at most 4 classes, that are containers for governments. Notice the fact that two governments belong to the same class doesn't make them allies by itself, to do this you need to put the class they belong to in one of the Ally field of these governments, see below. Leave the Class fields you don't need to -1 (by the way, I think you can use class numbers from 0 to 32767, since these are not IDs, but don't quote me on that; you have everything you need between 0 and 255).

The Ally fields
These four fields contain classes, and this will make this government allied with all the governments inside these classes. Unlike the previous versions of the engine (EVC, EVO) where the government IDs were directly put, this allows for more flexibility. For instance, to make government A and B allied with each other, just enter 0 in both their Class1 fields, and put 0 in at least one their Ally fields. Notice you don't need to explicitely make each tell they're allied with the other: if Dafydd says "I like ATMOS members," (class 0) and Jason (who belongs to class 0) says "Dafydd? Who's that?" Jason and Dafydd are automatically allies, because Jason's love for Dafydd is implied in Dafydd's statement of undying devotion to ATMOS members, including Jason. 🙂
Put then again -1 in the fields you don't need.

The Enemy fields
These four fields contain classes, and this will make this government consider all the governments inside these classes as enemies. To make A and C enemies, just put 0 in an Enemy field of gövt C (provided A belongs to class 0 as we did just above). Then again, the feeling is reciprocal, and A will hate C just as much as C hates A. Also, xenophobic governments (see that flag) will consider all other non-allied governments as enemies. Put -1 in the fields you don't need.

The Interface field
This number field sets the ID of the ďntf resource to use for the side bar when the player is flying a ship inherently of this government. 128 is the "normal" side bar, 129 is used by Polaris ships, 130 by Fed ones, 131 by Rebellion ones, 132 by Aurorean ones, 133 by pirate ones, and 134 by Vell-os. Putting -1 will make ďntf ID 128 be used; also, ships with no inherent government will use ďntf ID 128 as well. Notice you can very well make a new ďntf resource for your new government.

The NewsPic field
This number field allows you to state which news picture stellars of this government will use, which, along with the fact not the same things are in all government news, or at least not put the same way, makes the player feels the different governments are philosophically different and apply more or less censorship. If you put -1, the default "Independant News Corp" pic will be used, while putting something equal to or above 128 will make the PICT at that ID be used. Values from 9000 and up are usually used, 9000 being the independant one, 9001 is used by the Federation and assimilated stellars, 9002 by the Polaris stellars, and 9003 to 9008 by the various Aurorean factions (Moash, Vella, Tekel, Dani, Heraan, and generic Aurorean, respectively). You can just as well put your own news pic for your new government, just give it an unused ID (9009 and up are best here) and make sure the PICT has a size of 224x300 pixels.

  • The SkillMult field
    This number field allows you to state how good pilots of this government are. Which is actually (for lack of a better way) made by making ships have different speed and acceleration (from the stock model) when owned by this government. Simply enter the multiplier from the normal accel and speed, in percent, in this field: a value of 50 will make ships owned by this government have a less good accelleration and top speed than the stock model, while 150 will make them have better accelleration and top speed (than the stock model), 100 being normal. You can leave put -1 for normal skill (equivalent to 100). In the default Nova scenario, very few values stray far from 100.

The ScanMask field
This is described as a 16-bit hex field in the Bible, but probably is implemented as as many checkboxes in your editor. If you wish this government to consider some outfits or cargo illegal, you will check at least one of them; for instance, if you wish the government to consider the same things as illegal as the Feds do, check the first one; as the 'reans, the second one; as the Pols, the third one; check my guide about them for more explanations. Sadly, there is no unused ScanMask field, so you'll have to reuse one. Leaving every bit unchecked will make your government consider nothing illegal.

  • The Require field(s)
    These are described as two 32-bit hex fields in the Bible, but your editor probably implements them as 64 checkboxes. For the stellars of this government to allow the player to land, he will need to meet all the Contribute/Require bits that correspond to the checkboxes set (this can be useful for travel permits). This means that the player will never be allowed to land, regardless of his legal rating, unless he meets the bits set, and even then it will then depend on his legal rating; so if there is even only one bit set, the player won't be allowed to land by default (and probably won't know what he needs to do to be allowed to land). Also, this feature is completely unused in the default Nova scenario. So leave to 0/all unchecked not to use.

The InhJam fields
These four number fields are the amount of jamming each warship (AI 3 and 4) of this government has, for the four jamming means, that are each linked to a specific kind of guidance: in the default Nova scenario, the first is IR jamming, the second matches radar jamming, the third one gravimetric jamming, and the fourth one etheric jamming (to which most Polaris weapons are sensible). It's as if all warships of this government had a jamming outfit doing these jammings built-in, but only when belonging to the government in quextion (i.e. not when the player captures one). Notice freighters (AI 1&2) get 50% of this jamming if the flag setting so is set.

The MediumName field
This text field (limited to 63 chars) lets you state the name of the government as it will appear to the player instead of xxx in the "Sensors detect xxx reinforcement fleet approaching."

The Color field
This hex field, that's probably implemented as a color picker in your editor, allows you to choose the color theme of this government, mainly used to color its empire on the map (but you can apply it yourself to other things as well, such as the background of shipyard ship images as is done in the default Nova scenario). If there is an hex field, it's encoded the same as an HTML color (first two hex numbers unused, then each following pair being one color channel, first Red, Green, then Blue), use some tool that will give you the HTML color from a color picker to know what to enter here.

  • The ShipColor field
    This hex field, that's probably implemented as a color picker in your editor, allows you to choose the color with which to color ship of this government; use sparingly as it can get annoying if overused. If there is an hex field, it's encoded the same as an HTML color (first two hex numbers unused, then each following pair being one color channel, first Red, Green, then Blue), use some tool that will give you the HTML color from a color picker to know what to enter here. Set to 0x00000000 (pure black) to leave unused; notice this is unused in the default Nova scenario.

The CommName field
This text field (max of 15 chars) is the government's name as it will appear in the hail dialog, like "Trader" in "Pegasus (Trader)".

The TargetCode field
This text field (max of 15 chars) is the government's name as it will be shown in the target display when targeting a ship belonging to this government. Notice room there is very limited, so you'd better keep it under 8 chars (consider it's "W Gse" for the Wild Geese!).

There is a maximum of 256 gövt resources, which means gövt IDs from 128 to 383 can be used.

This post has been edited by Zacha Pedro : 09 December 2004 - 01:37 PM

Meh, striked text (and BB code in general) doesn't seem to work in voting options.

Ah, very nice. 🙂
I've always been a little fuzzy about the "Not Nosy" flag though. Could you perhaps provide an example situation and explain the behaviour with and without the flag?

I like it. Nice going, except for all your "ennemy" and "ennemies" (you're thinking in French, ZP it's enemy and enemies in English 😄 don't worry, I make the same mistake some times).

Hey, while we're talking gövts, I've encountered a little problem (I suppose I'm not doing it right, but 😞 the Arpia government, despite all my attempts in changing the ränk and gövt resources, always seems to refuse to help every time I ask for assistance. How is this possible?

Excellent work 🙂

One request, explain the voices better for a TC.

If you dont use fed/arouran whatever, how do you manage the voices? (not that I cant refer to the bible, but, still)

Hmm...could you put in a little clarification as to how insistent governments with the 'Don't use hypergates' / 'Prefers hypergates' / 'Prefers Wormholes' flags checked avoid hypergates or use the respective device? As in, will ships of governments with the 'prefers wormholes' flag checked ever hyper out, and under what circumstances, etc...

Is there a place where you have put all the templates together for vieweing/downloading? IT would be extremely helpful. Also, you are awesome for doing this 🙂

They arent compied anywhere, but there is a list of links on the links page at the top of the forum list.

Guy, on Nov 23 2004, 08:54 PM, said:

Ah, very nice. 🙂
I've always been a little fuzzy about the "Not Nosy" flag though. Could you perhaps provide an example situation and explain the behaviour with and without the flag?
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Frankly? I don't really know. I did not have time to test, and only know what the Bible tells me. It's one of the things I make allusions to when I say "odd gövt flags". That's why I put the test voting option, BTW, though for these some flags (see also UE_R&D post) I will test them regardless to complete this.

Pace (haldora), on Nov 23 2004, 08:58 PM, said:

I like it. Nice going, except for all your "ennemy" and "ennemies" (you're thinking in French, ZP… it's enemy and enemies in English :D… don't worry, I make the same mistake some times).

Hey, while we're talking gövts, I've encountered a little problem (I suppose I'm not doing it right, but…): the Arpia government, despite all my attempts in changing the ränk and gövt resources, always seems to refuse to help every time I ask for assistance. How is this possible?
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Oops, thanks a bunch. I think I noticed a discrepancy between the field name and what I wrote, but didn't really pay attention to it.
I really don't know how you could have this problem. Are you sure you're doing the same thing as is done with United shipping (for ränk-granted assistance) or Vell-os (for inherent assistance)?

NebuchadnezzaR, on Nov 24 2004, 12:13 AM, said:

Excellent work 🙂

One request, explain the voices better for a TC.

If you dont use fed/arouran whatever, how do you manage the voices? (not that I cant refer to the bible, but, still)
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To do a TC, you'd just put your own escort voices at the snd IDs the old ones were (the Fed ones for instance), and put the corresponding voice number in the field (1 in this case). That's a good point to bring, these guides are more meant for beginners (who don't do TCs, or at least shouldn't) but should explain the things as well to more advanced users; let me think about how I'll put it, though.

UE_Research & Development, on Nov 24 2004, 02:58 AM, said:

Hmm...could you put in a little clarification as to how insistent governments with the 'Don't use hypergates' / 'Prefers hypergates' / 'Prefers Wormholes' flags checked avoid hypergates or use the respective device? As in, will ships of governments with the 'prefers wormholes' flag checked ever hyper out, and under what circumstances, etc...
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Frankly? I don't really know. I just know the same as all of you: ATMOS prefers wormholes and always wormhole out of S7evyn, but I don't know what would happen should there be an hypergate or an outgoing hyperlink. Rebel and Sigma Shipyards ships go in and out of hypergates where there is one, but I've never checked if they ever hypered out of a system where there is an hypergate (and even then, that may be because it is an emergency and it's quicker to hyper out than go to the hypergate).

Kyros, on Nov 24 2004, 03:29 AM, said:

Is there a place where you have put all the templates together for vieweing/downloading? IT would be extremely helpful. Also, you are awesome for doing this 🙂
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Thanks. As for your question, it's what I'm planning and I will overtake Bomb's plug-in guide (some of you may know about, and some of you may have seen Bomb's recent offer) for this purpose sooner and later, date depending on the results of this vote.

Zacha Pedro, on Nov 24 2004, 06:56 PM, said:

I really don't know how you could have this problem. Are you sure you're doing the same thing as is done with United shipping (for ränk-granted assistance) or Vell-os (for inherent assistance)?
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I just checked, and what I'm doing is that the Arpia gövt always refuels for free (like the Vell-Os), the two ränks of Arpian Member and Arpian Warrior have the same "refuel for free" flag checked, and the Arpian Commander ränk has the "refuel for free" and "can always request assistance/reinforcements" flags checked.

So, is something wrong or is something buggy?

Something is buggy: unsetting the "Plunderers" flag solved the problem and made the ARPIA ships help me (I did not test removing the roadside assistance flag for the gövt and giving my pilot the ränk, but I'm pretty sure this solves this as well). My theory about this ("theory" in this case just being a fancy name for "explanation I'm not sure at all of") is that warships of a government that has this flag set use the "pirate" AI, and if you check the beta log (in your Nova folder/one subfolder, don't have it in front of me), you'll see this AI has been a huge source of problems, and this feature (roadside assistance) may not be working with it, be it given inherent as the gövt or via a ränk.

By the way, here is how I troubleshooted this, so that you can know how to best handle problems:
-first I check that there is actually a problem with the version I'm testing (in case I did a change beforehand or something like that): I check with NT that this flag is set for ARPIA in the plug, then test that it doesn't work. I did it with a new pilot (always test with a new pilot if possible/practical); the nice money in ARPIA made it possible to equip my starbridge with an afterburner, I go in the Sol system, afterburner out my fuel, and ask an ARPIA ship for assistance. Drop dead. No one does help me (I test more than one ARPIA ship)
-then I check (again in this case) that the feature is in use in the default Nova scenario. It is, but I thought Vell-os ships do not show up often, and gave the flag to the Fed gövt in a test plug. I tested that the Feds do help me for free. I ask a Fed ship for assistance in the same conditions (this can be important). He comes rightaway for free.
-It works for a certain government, but not for ARPIA; fine, I delete the modified Fed gövt from my test plug. So something is different for ARPIA and Fed w/ roadside. The principle is to modify the ARPIA gövt in the ARPIA plug (keeping a copy away from the plug-in folder to check the original later) towards looking like the Fed gövt w/ roadside, as it then will help me for free. I begin by changing all the gövt flags (as I suspected the problem would likely be there) so that they are exactly as they were in Fed w/ roadside. I test, ARPIA ships help me. Go me.
-then, rather than reverting back the flags one by one to what they were originally for the ARPIA gövt, I do it in groups, it usually goes faster. I revert the ones I changed (thus the advantage of keeping the original plug) but the "bribery" flags, as these were the ones I suspected the most. But when I test, ARPIA ships refuse to help me. So the problem lies in the flags I just changed, not the "bribery" flags.
-after some other changes and tests, I determine "Plunderers" is the flag that prevents "Roadside" from working. I can now (try to) find an explanation and post the information.

In other news, the people have spoken, and the winner is... do more annotated templates. Not that I wasn't expecting it, but this means I won't bother taking over Bomb's plug-in guide nor port my guides the HTML in the short term. Work on shďp will resume. Do not expect anything too soon, though, I'm currently zapping bugs... but only before level 15 (why does my credit card expires in 11/04 😞 !!!!!!!!!!!) and in Classic mode (uh, what is this noise on the right earphone in OSX?)

This post has been edited by Zacha Pedro : 01 December 2004 - 11:59 AM

Geez! Thanks so much for that, ZP!

I think we could all pretty much guess the outcome of the poll 😉

To Zacha Pedro, the author of the best guides in the galaxy! 😛

Due to popular demand, I've delayed shďp to experiment with gövt and gövt flags. And setting up tests, actually relaunching Nova regularly, check the results, etc, take some time, let me tell you. But I have some results. Check this and the changes in the original post.

changed all occurences of ennemy to enemy

changed CommName

added to VoiceType

added a warning to Plunderers flag

non-nosy flag: I think I've understood how it works. Basically, if this flag is NOT set, then a warship of this government, when in a non-allied (but non-enemy) system, will never attack the player unless provoked (people of this government consider they don't have the authority to attack the player outside of their territory), even if he's hated in the nearby system of the government (I've not tested in an enemy system, but it's likely that the ships will attack if the player is liked there and not if he isn't, regardless of the setting of this flag). If this flag IS set, then the ships of this government, when in a non-allied (but non-ennemy) system, will attack the player if the player's legal record in this system (that pertains to the other, non-allied goverment) is above the crime tolerance of the ship's government , even if the player is liked in the nearby system of the government, and even if the legal record is below the crime tolerance of the government that owns the system. To test this, I made the Federation and Fed planets very tolerant, CrimTol around 30000, created a new government (the government B ) and a new system and planet belonging to that government next to Sol. Then I added 6 missions to make you hated, loved, and clear legal record for either, and added warships of gövt B to Sol. When I set myself to be "hated" (I'm actually not, due to the near-infinite tolerance of Feds now ;)) by the Feds, and clear the record for gövt B, and go to Sol, gövt B ships attack me if the flag is set, and not if it isn't. And there we understand the allusion in the Bible: if the flag is set, then the government indeed enforces its own laws by considering the player is criminal whe he isn't by the local authorities. Therefore, I completely misunderstood this allusion and thought it was the opposite, therefore the flag should now be renamed "nosy". Check the new description for the flag.

This post has been edited by Zacha Pedro : 09 December 2004 - 01:39 PM

Ah, it's starting to make sense now. Good work, ZP. 🙂
What was the crime tolerance you gave govt B? I'm just wondering cos the bible's explanation says "if he's a criminal there". This makes me wonder if it simply means "if the player's legal record is -16 or below there", in which case the crime tolerance of the warship's govt would be irrelevant.

The "criminal" in this exerpt of the Bible and the the "criminal" of the legal status strings have nothing to do with each other (especially as the latter can be changed with an STR#). Indeed, the legal rating scale is based on the system's owner CrimeTol: one point in the scale is in fact CrimeTol points of good or evilness; in fact in Fed systems I was listed as "no convictions", but if I were to remove the test plug and keep playing this test pilot, it would keep the internal legal status of -30000 (as is listed for instance on the pilot log) and I would be galactic scourge (or something. I don't know for Nova)! -16 or below in fact already takes some CrimeTol in consideration, the one of the owner's system.

Ah okay, so if a system labelled you as a criminal then your legal record there would actually be 16 x the crimetol of that system?

Yep (but the CrimTol of the government, CrimTol is defined in the gövt resource)