Trouble Creating Systems in EVNEW

OK, I have recently started playing around with EVNEW making some little plugins for NOVA. I have been able to modify one system(K-001) putting a planet and ships and a hypergate there, but when I modify a second system- K-019 in this case- it doesnt work. It still links through the hypergate route i made there but it just shoots me out into K-019 system- which is basically empty- not the system that "should" be there from the plug. I am assuming that editing a resource in a plug means that that resource, eg. syst 636 in this case, should take the place of what is in the nova files( this belief comes from some editing on the original EV). On a possible related note, both the systems are using the same planet spin resource for the planets, but from what I know this should not be a problem. Help please 🙂

There are multiple versions of system K-019 in the Nova scenario, systs 442 and 636. The system changes are part of the Vell-os, Polaris, and Rebel storylines, which change the associated govt to a second version of the Krypt. Make sure your changes are in all versions of the system, or remove the alternate.

Ahh, makes sense, thanks!