EVN: Wing Commander TC

Seeking help for progressing TC...

Hello, my name is Eric Langlois and I'm the lead programmer of the Wing Commander TC for EV Nova, work is progressing at a nice pace (considering only 2 people are working on it at this time),

815 systems have been created, though only 1 planet has been created. I'm currently working on ships, outfits and weapons, soon my mission man will start work on the storyline and subplots wich will encompass all the wing commander games if possible.

I intend to implement many features that have been discussed to try and bring the players to the very limits of EVN's ability to clone the massive Wing Commander universe.

On a side note, I would apreciate any helpful hands with my TC, be it spobs, descs, graphics (as unlikely as it might be to find one of these guys at this early stage), sounds, ect...

If you're interested in helping out or contributing in some way, send me a message, either through this topic or my e-mail address at headq_auroris@hotmail.com

Any suggestions for, or opinions on my TC are welcomed as well, that includes words of encouragement 😛

Eric Langlois.

Hope you find someone to help you, MAR. I can't, but I'm posting so that this topic won't slip to the bottom of the list, and off the frront page. That would be inconveniencing you. Most people are already involved in a TC; either major or not, or a huge expansionist plug. And not everyone can do good graphics too(I'm pretty good, if I do say so myself, but unavailable- I'm working on the Honor & Glory plug-in, which is headed by Deathbringer- you've probably seen the topic in the EV Nova webboard). I have never actually played Wing Commander, but I hear it's good. Maybe I'll pick up a copy.

Stupid Bush, winning the election... and I (almost) thought my country was more intelligent than that... :mad:

Web site and promotion will take you far when it comes to promotion. Because your TC is based upon an existing game, posting or linking to screenshots/poster art will help people get an idea as to the types of graphics you'll want or need later.


Stupid Bush, winning the election... and I (almost) thought my country was more intelligent than that...

Sentiments like this almost make me wish the United States was ruled by a repressive fascist government. After all, the argument's exactly the same.

Bush won. I'm not terribly happy about it, either, but that's democracy - technically, democratic republic, but that's irrelevant. Go cry about it.

This post has been edited by UE_Research & Development: 03 November 2004 - 10:05 PM

Yes, the United States might as well be a Fascistic government, but this Maniac Angel Raptor's going dev hunting for a TC team... we wouldn't want to scare off anybody who might want help him.

I also believe that a webpage for your TC would be good, as well as some promotion. Promotion is always good. No promotion is bad. Look at Retribution; seemingly great plug, but no one knows it, because UE R&D has spent so much time letting Sephil Saga and Aftermath take the limelight away from a plug that sounds like it deserves it, though slightly less than SS or Aftermath. But the point is, SS and Aftermath have both had a lot of the limelight. They aren't the only good TC being made, though I'm not implying that anyone actually believes this(if you do not understand what I meant, please tell me, I will try to clarify whatever it is you don't understand. Maybe UE R&D should hype his plug just a little bit more. Heck, I'd be willing to give you a link in my sig, UE R&D.

Anaxagoras is absolutely right about the web page, which is why I'm working on one right now. He's also absolutely right about SS and AM taking the limelight away from Retribution (although both wonderful projects in their own rights). Kudos to someone who knows what he's talking about ;).

Anyways, web page is good. Don't spend too much time on your page, though; it's a means, not an end. The plug-in is what should be taking up your time.

This post has been edited by UE_Research & Development: 03 November 2004 - 10:52 PM

Retribution has one very big thing going for it right now: It'll be done before either SS or Aftermath. And actually being able to play something tends to take a lot of hype away from those projects you can only dream about!

PS: Without trying to drop too much, we're shooting for an end of year release on Retribution. Mission coding is about 25% done and progressing rapidly. The universe is built but needs to be polished, and the outfits and weapons are coming along just dandy. All the descs for everything are done. It's shaping up very rapidly!

PPS: You think SS has stolen alot of limelight? Doh. I tried to clamp down on the hype until we hit beta...

I do have a web page for this... but it's not quite up to "demonstration" quality so I'll get to polishing it up for that purpose... It'll include screenshots from the games, a historical review of the wing commander universe, the earth-kilrathi war, etc... basically what happened before the TC's timeline.

BUT for now, you can peruse http://www.wcnews.com for a look at what Wing Commander is like. It's quite frankly the best wing commander resource site available, it includes an extensive database of the ships, weapons, a timeline, a universe map, news, and a heap load of valuable information.

This is what I'm trying to reproduce with my TC...

btw, a good deal of the wing commander ships are already re-created as 3d models throughout the web so it saves graphics artists alot of pain 🙂 usually, they are fully meshed as well.

As for promotion... I'm starting on that 😉

I'm back for a little update... My website is still unfinished due to a few small problems that need to be worked out, it should be ready by the end of the month (november 2004).

The weapon resources have been mostly plotted out on spreadsheet so far, once I'm done, I'll be actually putting them into the plug-in thus far. Outfits are next on the road-map.

I haven't received any offers to help so far, so it's still going slowly, I've spread the word a little bit, though not as much as I could have, that's next on my promotional campaign though. wcnews has already taken note of this TC, hopefully it will generate interest the Escape Velocity series among the wing commander community.

Anyone who can offer help at all, it would be very apreciated, credit will go where it is due.

As a small recap of what my TC will include as far as the timeline:

Wing Commander (+ Secret Missions 1 & 2)
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the Kilrathi (+ Secret Operations 1 & 2)
Wing Commander Academy (Game)
Wing Commander Privateer (+ Righteous Fire)
Wing Commander Armada
Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger
Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom
Wing Commander Prophecy
Wing Commander Secret Ops
Privateer 2: The Darkening

The storylines that will be available to the player include but are not limited to:

Terran Confederation
Kilrathi Imperium
Union of Border Worlds
Firekan Planetary Alliance
Retro (Anti-technology zealots)
Mandarine (Pro-Kilrathi humans)
Kilrathi Assembly of Clans (After the war)
Nephilim (Alien menace... hard to get into this line)

Ships, Weapons and Outfits will be upgraded often in the storyline... you might not miss flying the lowly Hornet light fighter armed with Laser cannons from Wing Commander 1 when you start meeting up with Vaktoth heavy fighters armed with Tachyon, Plasma and Ion cannons from Wing Commander 3! You might also apreciate the increase in range of the laser cannon when you move up to Wing Commander 2... those big guns that once killed you when you just got into range, might not be so tough to beat all of a sudden 😉

Unlike Wing Commander, you won't be restricted to only Fighter-based combat... if you're good enough, you might even get to command a Mega Carrier by the time the Nephilim strike! who knows, maybe a whole escort of Mega Carriers! ... That is, if you think a mega carrier fleet will take down the battle-hardened organically-based Nephilim dreadnought, Tiamat!

Enough of a primer... Wing Commander is a huge universe, very well written, and with a strong base of players and I think it's about time we got what we wanted... so join up fast, Christopher Blair isn't the only human allowed to make history in the galactic history books!

I'd help you out, but currently, I'm on the Genesis team, helping with some graphics for Honor and Glory, and occasionally doing stuff for Arpia 2. So I'm pretty swamped with projects. And I have no knowledge of wing commander :rolleyes:

Try advertising in your sig. That always helps.

This post has been edited by Requiem : 13 November 2004 - 10:07 PM