Exceeding the 64 Spob type limit

Using multiple planet layers

Sean Meaney s892646@cdu.edu.au:

I am looking at diversifying the planet type beyond the 64 spob type limit by storing planet graphics as a colour base, planetary surface transparency, atmospheric overlay, all in various sizes and by refering to multiple planets at the same location thus generate a greater diversity of planets.

0-19: Satellites-Space Stations, Listening Posts, Asteroid Bases, Arrays (10 picts + 10 masks)
24-63: 5 Atmospheric shell Overlays larger than the planet base size category
planet Masks of 5 set sizes
ring masks of 5 set sizes
'planet rings' overlays of 5 set sizes
colour planet bases of the 5 sizes
planet surface transparencies of 5 sizes
thus you generate planets of various colours, surfaces, sizes, w/wout rings, w/wout atmospheres. Allow the ship to land only at the top planet layer.
This pretty much eats your nav slots. but it should allow you to generate well beyond the 64 spob type limit.

Wow, sounds like a great idea if it works. Have you tried it out though? I'm just doubtful that you can use transparencies.

There might be problems when you communicate with the planets. The picture that is shown as well as the planet type would still be based on what ever layer you landed on. It is an inderesting idea though.

You can have untargetable planets, I think. Decorative solar objects.

Anyway, no, planets are only either opaque or invisible, masking-wise. You couldn't have, say, partially transparent clouds that blend with the underlying color. Your planets would have to be not antialiased, or have a few cloud layers for the variety of underlying colors you'd create. Atmospheres would be pretty much impossible, unless they don't overlap the planet at all. Rings, if they overlap, couldn't have an antialiased edge.

This post has been edited by Weepul 884 : 14 October 2004 - 01:19 AM

May I beg your perdon? There are 256 spöb type slots in Nova. There are more than 64 in use in the default Nova scenario (since it begins at 0 and 64 is used), actually. Unless almost all planets are unique, I don't see how you could be running out of spöb types soon.

Sometimes I wonder why I am writing guides, this info is in my spöb annotated template...

Well if you crafted the images just right, you could have some kind of neutral matting so that you got them to look somewhat antialiased...however, you'd have some annoying restrictions on the sizes of your planets since all your atmospheres and rings would have to fit particular planet sizes.

A very neat idea anyway though, I really don't see any reason why it can't be done, at least as a fun experiment.

Ooooh... Can anyone say Magrathea in a plug-in?

Yes, I'd like to order some purple mountains under sea-green skies, with a side order of rings and three small moons, please.