Novatools v1.0.1 update change list


Originally posted by Arion:
**Two questions:

  1. Can I download them anywhere?
  2. Did you fix the crash bugs?
    NovaTools tends to crash on several occassions. The oütf editor crashes very often, taking the entiry system with it. Same goes for the spöb editor, though not so often.
    The shän editor likes to crash, too, during saving, though it doesn't kill the system, only the program.


I don't think Arturo can fix the bugs, he's just making (great) modifications to the DITL resources, i.e. the layout, etc... of the windows.

From what you say and Pipeline's sreenshot, this sounds it will be a bit better to use than the current version. Thanks Arturo, and thanks Ralph and Rodger for blessing you to release this!

(url="http://";=Nybbles.txt&sortOrder;=Sort by Date&detail;=medium")On the matter of Nybbles(/url) (does say what it is, but it's pretty cool...)

The (url="http://";=breakdown.html&BREAKDOWN;_SKUID=1480")Ambrosia Mac CD(/url) with other registrations - 5$. Paying for (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url) as it's such a great game - 30$.
The (url="http://"")1337 EV Nova T-shirt(/url)(url="http://"") (/url) - 22$. The (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url) by wOOtWare to tinker with your Nova - FREE!
The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.

Okay, people; Arturo's fixed NovaTools are now up and in place. Grab them and get to work! 😄

Dave @ ATMOS

Update re-submittal:
Thanks pipeline. The reason it took so long is that I had a hard time figuring out why the corruption occurred. I knew what was corrupted and I knew what action I'd taken that made it happen, but figuring out why it happened took me a bit. Long story short - any time you Save an edited DITL that has CNTL items, the associated CNTL resources have to be available to make the save complete. I'd stripped the resources down to just the ones that had been updated and then violated one of my own rules. I edited the stripped version without testing it afterwards. Anyway, the update is available again and I sincerely hope that <gulp> there's nothiing else that got past me.

Yes, ResEdit itself can be prone to crashing, although I only know one sure fire way to get Novatools to crash ResEdit. Start a new plug, do a cmd+K to create a new shän resource. Immediately select the radio-button that indicates you're going to use either an rlë8 or rlëD sprite = instant crash. That particular crash is caused by the FramesPerSet parameter having a default value of zero. As long as FramesPerSet is greater than zero - no crash.
I've had ResEdit crash trouble in the past when other programs are running simultaneously, so one way of minimizing ResEdit crashes is to run it solo. I remember that a Mac customization application called Kaleidoscope would cause ResEdit to eventually crash. I've also encountered difficulty with another customizer called Menuette. I guess the moral is to start turning other programs off until your crash problem hopefully goes away.
One more thing, give ResEdit a healthy dose of memory. I have the preferred value set up to 64MB, but you can probably get away with less. Try experimenting by setting the largest memory allocation you can afford and work down from there if that seems to clear things up.

Contribute-Require Matrix:
Well I don't know what I can say other than, if you're used do dealing with binary and hexdecimal numbers the new matrix layout makes a heck of a lot more sense. To paraphrase Honest Abe: You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Tabbing through the parameters:
Yes, that problem isn't something that can be corrected with just the layout. It's caused by the item numbers used to link the layout to the actual editor software code in the RSSC resources. The way I understand it, the RSSC code refers to items in the layout strictly via item numbers which are defined in the DITL resource. The tab key cycles through the items in the layout in the ascending order of their item numbers. But if you change the numbers around so that the sequencing works cleanly, then the RSSC code has to updated to point at the new numbers. Kind of a convoluted way to do it, given present day software, but don't forget, ResEdit is as old as the Mac itself, which means we're dealing with 20 year old software here. But hey, it still works and it's still free.

If anyone encounters any difficulties with the update or has any questions, please let me know, either here, in your own topic, or via email (see the ReadMe or use the email button).


Originally posted by Andcarne:
As far as crashes using novatools goes, I experience my fair share of those as well. It can get annoying when you just get something set up how you want it, and it all dies on you. But, theres no way to fix it, since its problems with ResEdit, and not with the way NovaTools was coded. So, go blame apple. A large part of the instability comes from running it in classic. I tend to get at least 3-4 crashes per day. Since I spend at least 3 or 4 hours ever day working on my project, this can get very annoying.

You sound pretty lame saying "oh, I have X problem when running NovaTools, it must be ResEdit, go blame Apple". NovaTools is still in its 1.0.0 stage (in terms of actual resource programming—and I mean real programming, as in lines of code, not plug development), it can have bugs. Maybe you should think a little more about that before pinning it on Apple. I'm not saying it isn't ResEdit, but you should have some facts to support your claim before making such comments.


As far as the new contribute require structure, I must be stupid because I find this new layout much more confusing then the old one. Oh well.

Maybe if you gave them more of a chance and actually tried CLICKING ONE OF THE CHECKBOXES, you would see why this layout is far more logical and is much, much easier to read. Before, you had to convert this weird hexadecimal stuff into (A-H)(1-8) and back if you went between editors. Now it makes a little more sense. 🙂

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
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Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
**Maybe if you gave them more of a chance and actually tried CLICKING ONE OF THE CHECKBOXES, you would see why this layout is far more logical and is much, much easier to read. Before, you had to convert this weird hexadecimal stuff into (A-H)(1-8) and back if you went between editors. Now it makes a little more sense.:)


I think I get it now....

As far as resedit goes. It is unstable. Period. I have used it for a couple years, doing a variety of different things. It is not novatools. (sure. maybe a few bugs are) But in general resedit is NOT stable. I was partially joking when I said blame apple anyways. The reason its unstable is because it is not meant to run in os 9. It was developed long before then, and runs very well on system 7. On 9, and classic. It does not fare as well. And I do have facts to support this. Just viewing DITL resources, or STR resources has often crashed Resedit.

Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to vehemently criticize people. I was merely pointing out that the problems are mainly part of ResEdit, and not the fault of NovaTools.


(This message has been edited by Andcarne (edited 07-05-2004).)


Originally posted by Andcarne:
Maybe you shouldn't be so quick to vehemently criticize people. I was merely pointing out that the problems are mainly part of ResEdit, and not the fault of NovaTools.

I wasn't criticizing you...just saying that maybe you should add on a few more details (e.g. personal experiences). I wasn't exactly in the best mood when I posted that anyway. Sorry if I offended you.

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
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I didn't get a chance to install and test out the new stuff before I heard there were problems with it, but now that the better version is out, I have to say I am very impressed (I also finally understand what you were talking about with require/contribute checkboxes, and the way it is now makes a lot more sense).

Anyway, I'll definitely be playing with this some more in the future, but so far it seems like a very nice improvement in the places I thought it could use some.

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You know you've got problems when each of the voices in your head sees a different psychiatrist.

Looks good, but is it still CookieCompatible™? 😉


In Vell-os Darts you just think you win...

(quote)Originally posted by Rodger:
**Looks good, but is it still CookieCompatible™?:D

Fair enough, too. He spent the best part of a year or more basically single-handedly fixing bugs in it.

Dave @ ATMOS


I have one request for the next iteration, however, if it's at all possible.

According to the Nova Bible, it's supposed to be possible to set a düde's AI value at -1, which forces all ships to behave according to their own AI values -- so you can have warships and freighters in the same düde behaving properly, like you could in EV and EVO.

There's no option for that in NovaTools -- the dropdown menu only gives the standard four options with no option for the "-1" value. To use the -1 value, you need to use MissionComputer -- and it does still work properly, until you open that düde resource in NovaTools and it automatically reverts to an AI value of 1.

A minor thing, there is a workaround, but it'd be nice to have it incorporated if at all possible.

Otherwise, like I said, these changes are great. Thanks, Arturo -- great job!

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Bunnies -- bunnies -- it must be bunnies... or maybe midgets

Having looked through it more fully now, I do have a couple of minor changes I'd like to see, but otherwise very cool.

Moderator- (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&mrxak;=cool")EV Developer's Corner(/url) | (url="http://";=6&SUBMIT;=Go&mrxak;=cool")EV Web Board(/url) | (url="http://";=69SUBMIT=Go&mrxak;=cool")Uplink Web Board(/url) | (url="http://"")mAW Forum(/url) | (url="http://"")Starcraft Forum(/url) | (url="http://"") Forums(/url) | | (url="http://"")My Profile(/url) | (url="http://";=007599-2&whichpost;=mrxak11-06-200203:22PM")mrxak(/url)
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You know you've got problems when each of the voices in your head sees a different psychiatrist.


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:

I have one request for the next iteration, however, if it's at all possible.

According to the Nova Bible, it's supposed to be possible to set a düde's AI value at -1, which forces all ships to behave according to their own AI values -- so you can have warships and freighters in the same düde behaving properly, like you could in EV and EVO.

There's no option for that in NovaTools -- the dropdown menu only gives the standard four options with no option for the "-1" value. To use the -1 value, you need to use MissionComputer -- and it does still work properly, until you open that düde resource in NovaTools and it automatically reverts to an AI value of 1.

A minor thing, there is a workaround, but it'd be nice to have it incorporated if at all possible.

Otherwise, like I said, these changes are great. Thanks, Arturo -- great job!


You don't need to use MC, just open the resource with the template in ResEdit (if it doesn't show the düde TMPL, install the templates found in the distribution of Nova in ResEdit's preference file), and modify the field there. Sometimes when there's something I don't like in NT I open the resource with the template (in some ResEdit menu, I'm not in front of it right now); for instance I've even modified the oütf template so that the modval fields are 16-bit hexadecimals instead of signed 16-bit integers. Why? In order to better enter data with a modtype of cloak or paint, I just have to open the resource with the template instead of with NT. That siaid, it would be better if corrected, but I don't think Arturo can do it.

The (url="http://";=breakdown.html&BREAKDOWN;_SKUID=1480")Ambrosia Mac CD(/url) with other registrations - 5$. Paying for (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url) as it's such a great game - 30$.
The (url="http://"")1337 EV Nova T-shirt(/url)(url="http://"") (/url) - 22$. The (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url) by wOOtWare to tinker with your Nova - FREE!
The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:

I have one request for the next iteration, however, if it's at all possible.

According to the Nova Bible, it's supposed to be possible to set a düde's AI value at -1, which forces all ships to behave according to their own AI values -- so you can have warships and freighters in the same düde behaving properly, like you could in EV and EVO.

There's no option for that in NovaTools -- the dropdown menu only gives the standard four options with no option for the "-1" value. To use the -1 value, you need to use MissionComputer -- and it does still work properly, until you open that düde resource in NovaTools and it automatically reverts to an AI value of 1.

A minor thing, there is a workaround, but it'd be nice to have it incorporated if at all possible.

Otherwise, like I said, these changes are great. Thanks, Arturo -- great job!**

That can only be fixed at code-level because CNTL resources are created at code-level, so the actual menu items (the menu is a CNTL resource) can't be edited. Also, NovaTools might not just trust it and go with whatever is selected, but instead might use if statements to determine what to put in the resource.

In any case, Arturo can't fix it unless he gets the source.

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
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Originally posted by Rodger:
**Looks good, but is it still CookieCompatible™?

Thanks for the approval Rodger. Is it correct to infer from this that Mr. Cook was another one of the key people in originally defining Novatools requirements?


Originally posted by pipeline:
**Actually, our friendly local Frandall expresses his sincere "can't be arsed-ness" with the current changes. Not because they are in any way deficient, but because he's so absolutely sick of Nova that he can't bring himself to dowload the tools.

My Australian-to-American dictionary doesn't have an entry for "arsed-ness". Could someone educate me?


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
**I have one request for the next iteration, however, if it's at all possible.

Good idea. Unfortunately it's not something that can be corrected by tweaking either the MENU or DITL resources. I just tried and it was no-go. That's another one of those things that would require a change to the RSSC resource editor code itself. And since Mac internal programming is too convolute to reverse engineer the code in the RSSC resources, Ralph and Rodger would have to be convinced to do a code update or to release the source code to someone else to update.

Indeed there are several enhancements that I too would like to see that involve RSSC changes:
• Adding resource name displays to the shďp parameters in the s˙st and düde resource editors.
• Ditto for the ConnectS˙st and NavDef spöb parameters in the s˙st resource editor.
• Shuffling the item numbers in all of the editor windows so that the tab-key sequencing follows the visual layout.
• There are several places where drop down menu choices could be appropriately applied (shďp InherentAI comes to mind, but there are others too).
• Default parameter values that are automatically inserted when one initially creates a resource need some tweaking here and there.


Originally posted by mrxak:
**Having looked through it more fully now, I do have a couple of minor changes I'd like to see, but otherwise very cool.

I've tried using my T0 powers, I've recalibrated my Krell mentality enhancer, and the license for my Palantir has expired. I guess the distance is just too great for me to be able read your thoughts, so if you would, please tell me what changes you have in mind. I'm not as thin-skinned about constructive criticism as some on these boards. I've learned that the trait of humility serves one better than hubris. Fire away (but I will keep my shields at maximum).


Originally posted by Zacha Pedro:
**I've even modified the oütf template so that the modval fields are 16-bit hexadecimals instead of signed 16-bit integers.

You'll have to take care, since I've changed the Novatools oütf ModVal commentary for cloaks and paint to a decimal description in order to be in synch with the original template parameter types.


Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
**In any case, Arturo can't fix it unless he gets the source.

Quite right.

After a year of absolutely zero spam with my new ISP, guess what's happened less than 24-hours after posting the NovatoolsUpdate?
I now have two (utterly worthless) offers from somewhere in the Netherlands. One wants me to help a guy move (get this) $2.5 billion from some bank in Zimbabwe, all I have to do is put up a security deposit and he'll transfer 10% of the total sum to my account. Yeah. Right. The other offer probably has better odds, since it's a tout for lottery tickets.
Me thinks someone's computer or email address book has been compromised by spammers. Either that or someone really didn't like the update and fed my email to a please-spam-me list somewhere.


Originally posted by Arturo:
Me thinks someone's computer or email address book has been compromised by spammers.

It sure isn't mine, and I removed your address as per your specification.

Arturo, "Cookie" or "Frandall" is Mr. Jason D. Cook of ATMOS Software, the primary scenario coder for Nova. He used most of the NovaTools the most and requested most of the features. "Can't be arsed" means "cannot be bothered". He likes the idea of an update, but is so sick and tired of Nova that he cant bring himself to look at them. 😄

Dave @ ATMOS


After a year of absolutely zero spam with my new ISP, guess what's happened less than 24-hours after posting the NovatoolsUpdate?
I now have two (utterly worthless) offers from somewhere in the Netherlands. One wants me to help a guy move (get this) $2.5 billion from some bank in Zimbabwe, all I have to do is put up a security deposit and he'll transfer 10% of the total sum to my account. Yeah. Right. The other offer probably has better odds, since it's a tout for lottery tickets.
Me thinks someone's computer or email address book has been compromised by spammers. Either that or someone really didn't like the update and fed my email to a please-spam-me list somewhere.

Spammers have bots which crawl the web looking for e-mail addresses. Anytime you post you're e-mail on a website, you will get spam. Sadly.

orcaloverbri9: Sorry, my response was a bit harsh probably. I was not in the best of moods at the time either, and it seems I misinterpreted your reponse a bit. Sorry bout that. 😉


(This message has been edited by Andcarne (edited 07-07-2004).)


Originally posted by Arturo:
After a year of absolutely zero spam with my new ISP, guess what's happened less than 24-hours after posting the NovatoolsUpdate?
I now have two (utterly worthless) offers from somewhere in the Netherlands. One wants me to help a guy move (get this) $2.5 billion from some bank in Zimbabwe, all I have to do is put up a security deposit and he'll transfer 10% of the total sum to my account. Yeah. Right. The other offer probably has better odds, since it's a tout for lottery tickets.
Me thinks someone's computer or email address book has been compromised by spammers. Either that or someone really didn't like the update and fed my email to a please-spam-me list somewhere.

Oddly enough, I all of a sudden started getting spam such as these when I had always been spam-free, for no apparent reason. But removing my email from this boad, oddlierly (does that exist? ;)), stopped it. I already explained the thing (url="http://";=001420")there(/url).

The (url="http://";=breakdown.html&BREAKDOWN;_SKUID=1480")Ambrosia Mac CD(/url) with other registrations - 5$. Paying for (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url) as it's such a great game - 30$.
The (url="http://"")1337 EV Nova T-shirt(/url)(url="http://"") (/url) - 22$. The (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url) by wOOtWare to tinker with your Nova - FREE!
The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.

I found a remaining bug in the update. The "Require bits applicable for:" pop-up menu in the outfit resource is still broken. I can see the menu (unlike in pipeline's screenshot) but nothing happens when I click on it. The Govt field just below it could be a bit wider too.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams

-instant check-
Yeah, happens for me too.

The (url="http://";=breakdown.html&BREAKDOWN;_SKUID=1480")Ambrosia Mac CD(/url) with other registrations - 5$. Paying for (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url) as it's such a great game - 30$.
The (url="http://"")1337 EV Nova T-shirt(/url)(url="http://"") (/url) - 22$. The (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url) by wOOtWare to tinker with your Nova - FREE!
The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.

I can also confirm this.

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
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