Nova Rebuild

I'm looking at taking EV: Nova and changing it, a lot. It will be a plug-in, but a totally different game, but I need a few people to help me write it. I need people to help with graphics, storylines, re-designing the system, etc. If you can do any of that, PLEASE IM me on AIM under MBfreakMD or SDofMD or e-mail me at (if you have MSN Messenger, you can add me to that.) I also have Yahoo, but don't use it often. I need as much help I can get, especially the graphics. If you have the time and capability to do any of this, please contact me A.S.A.P. Thanks!


I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart, a big fan of EV: Nova... now... a fan of attempting to make plug-ins!

Mind being more specific? I want to see details.


Have you ever made a plugin? Do you have any experience? It may be better if you start out small before you decide to make a TC.

"En gris rumpa är fläsk, rök den och det blir skinka."
(A pig butt is meat, smoke it and it becomes ham.)
~ Sweedish Translation

Okay, what I'm doing is I'm taking the EV: Nova game and changing it entirely... same game and what-not, but it's going to be different. I am changing what the ships are and look like, the governments are going to be different, etc. One thing different about this game is I want to create this "Parallel Universe" and you get an entirely different map. That universe is going to be the original EV: Nova game, the original ships, etc. What's different about what I want to do to this version is there's going to be more governments, but I also want to some how be able to create your own government, if it's possible. There are going to be more major storylines, ships to choose from, bigger map, more galaxies, etc. And if you did the mission for the probe in Kontik, that's supposedly what has found this parallel universe, unless if there was something done with it in the original format of this game. Okay, it's a bit more complicated to explain, but I hope you are getting a general idea of what I want to do with it.

I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart, a big fan of EV: Nova... now... a fan of attempting to make plug-ins!

I've made a plug-in, but dunno what was wrong with it. I have a general idea of how EVNEW works, but I'm more of a person with storylines than with generating systems, etc. I've got a bunch of ideas I want to try out, but don't know exactly how to plug them into the program, that's why I need help with the plug-ins, but if I get the people to help me with what I need, then it should turn out pretty good. Like I said, I'm more of a storyline creator than anything else, considering I watch a lot of wrestling... :redface:

I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart, a big fan of EV: Nova... now... a fan of attempting to make plug-ins!

There is already a plug like that, SDMB. Look around on the Adds-on Page.


There is?

I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart, a big fan of EV: Nova... now... a fan of attempting to make plug-ins!

I believe so. Let me get it. It might take me a while

Classic4Nova. It is tough and COMPLEX. You've seen some of Jon Boyd's posts.


Hm... you're not being very specific. You've just described half of the expansions out there. It seems like you're making a quasi-TC or something.

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(url="http://"")Walkthroughs for 3D space scenes and objects(/url) - please feel free to add your own methods to the thread.
(url="http://"") Aftermath (/url): It rocks. Trust me.