"Beyond The Veil Plug-in"

Well we can still share the ideas and try to make a compromise to how the plug would work. My e-mail is wc3freak2002@yahoo.com and my aim is bigsteve9110 if u need to contact me.


This is painful to read, if you want to get any reasonable replies, I suggest that you edit some of the more nonsensical posts. Better yet, let this topic die and start a new one - well fletched out and of reasonable composition.

"Life is tough, but it's even tougher when you're stupid."
-John Wayne


Originally posted by noba man:
**Well we can still share the ideas and try to make a compromise to how the plug would work. My e-mail is wc3freak2002@yahoo.com and my aim is bigsteve9110 if u need to contact me.


If you can't write coherently here, how do you expect to be any use when in comes to writing missions or dëscs? Just a thought.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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I sat down to a copy of Nova Ships 4 and then I found out I know even less than before. I dont know like 99% of what to do... if you make an example of how to make a new gun?
sorry wrong post

(This message has been edited by Oly (edited 08-18-2004).)