Could somebody give me a full description of how booleans work? Because no matter what I do in Bryce, I cannot get one object to affect another in any way, unless its a metaball.
The veil, so close, but so far beyond our reach.
Could somebody give me a full description of how booleans work? Because no matter what I do in Bryce, I cannot get one object to affect another in any way, unless its a metaball.
The veil, so close, but so far beyond our reach.
Do you mean negative objects?
Obstacles are those fruitful things you see if you take your eyes off the (url="http://"")goal(/url)
They don't react with eachother at all. Period.
The veil, so close, but so far beyond our reach.
First off, whenever you are having a problem with a program it is helpful to list what version you are using. I'll assume version 5.
I use version 3.0 (since I can't afford the upgrade), but Booleans should still work the same. You need to select one or more objects to be "positive" objects (the base objects). Then select one or more objects to be "negative" objects (the cutaway objects). Finally, group them all together. Objects listed as "neutral" are not affected by Boolean operations, nor are objects not in the same group.
To quote a pillar of American society: D'OH!
It dosn't work. I've tried setting some negative and some positive and it dosn't have any visible effect.
And yes, I'm using version Five.
(This message has been edited by Prime (edited 07-27-2004).)
did you group them? are you sure Bryce is registering them as positive and negative? check by using the A button near an object when it's selected.
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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Yes, you must group them.
(url="http://"")Aftermath(/url). You know you want it.
Ooooooooh, so I have to group them before it'll show any cuts?
The veil, so close, but so far beyond our reach.
Originally posted by Prime:
**Ooooooooh, so I have to group them before it'll show any cuts?
Originally posted by Weepul 884 just before the preceeding message :
**Yes, you must group them.
Prime, if I sound a little annoyed with you, I'm sorry. I thought I'd let you know why, however; you are asking very basic questions that the rest of us managed to figure out on our own, without too much trouble, either by experimenting with the program, reading the manual, looking for tutorials online, or some combination thereof. Even if you really couldn't figure out this part of using booleans for yourself, you could have very easily verified what we said you had to do for yourself, instead of just coming back and asking again.
Show a little self-reliance and stop pestering us with everything you try to do that you don't know how to do. I guarantee that you'll feel better and learn more about using the program if you work it out on your own. And if you really either can't figure out this stuff for yourself, and can't find it online, I'm sorry. I'm just not sure what I'd say to that.
I don't mean for this to be a flame at all, and if it sounds like it, once again, I'm sorry. Hopefully, this will be a stern but helpful tip to point you in the right direction.
(url="http://"")Aftermath(/url). You know you want it.
(This message has been edited by Weepul 884 (edited 07-28-2004).)
No no, I understand. I'm sorry I'm being a bit of a dipwad here, but I have my reasons. Even been hopelessly in love?
Anyways, I shall attempt to confirm this now.
The veil, so close, but so far beyond our reach.
Your being in love shouldn't have any bearing when it comes to being a dipwad and general annoyance to people who are taking their time to try and help you. Don't be obnoxious.
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