
I've seen people posting about the nova music and putting it in mp3 format. However mp3 formats have never worked for me. The original nova music was an mpeg when I got it and naturally it worked fine. But the SFA music wouldn't work as it was an mp3. Basically, am I alone or is anyone else having this problem? I'm using Mac OS X by the way.
Sorry if the post was a bit rambly

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On the mac version of Nova, make sure the music file does not have any filename extensions (like .mp3).

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams

MP3 is MPEG. Make sure the creator is Növä and the type is MPEG. Then make sure that the file does not have a .mp3 extension. Do this by getting info (select the file, then File > Get Info or Apple/Command-I) on the file. Expand the "File name and extension" section and make sure the text box below it says "Nova Music", not "Nova Music.mp3". If it is the latter, then remove the ".mp3" at the end. It will prompt you to confirm this action, tell it that you did want to do that (can't remember the specific buttons right offhand). If it does have a type/creator of MPEG/Növä and it doesn't have a .mp3 extension and it is in the Nova Files or Nova Plug-ins folder and there aren't any Nova Music files in the same folder and it isn't in the Nova Files folder when there is another Nova Music file in the Nove Plug-ins folder, then...I don't know what to tell you.

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
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Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
**Expand the "File name and extension" section and make sure the text box below it says "Nova Music", not "Nova Music.mp3". If it is the latter, then remove the ".mp3" at the end. It will prompt you to confirm this action, tell it that you did want to do that

ah ha, that did it, thanks for the info. The file just had the hide extension box checked.

We're going on a (url="http://"")bear hunt(/url). They'll eat you if you misbehave. They live on an island out to sea. They will chew you up and spit out your bones. We live on the beach with all their rubbish. And people. Bears. Giant bears. They will eat me and you. Run back to the house before they catch us. Wee hee hee can't catch me.

I have the global system pref to never hide extensions, always using real file names instead of display names. Sure, the file names are in english when all other allusions to these built-in things (system, lbrary, Users folders as well as the applications) are in French, but it makes everything I do with filenames much more reliable in OSX.

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