Making a new effect

I've got a great new explosion effect that I want to add to the game to replace the current one, but I'm totally baffled on how to make it a plugin of sorts. Fiddling with ResEdit has gotten me nowhere as I cannot figure out how to make it create a plugin or anything else for that matter. Please help! I've already gotten the graphic into a tiled pict, but am baffled as to what to do next.


You might want to start reading The NOVA Bible: EV Nova/Documentation/Nova Bible.txt. I'm not a plugin maker but I know you need to read the Nova Bible to better understand how to make plugins for EV Nova. I have not found the time into reading the Nova Bible, but if you plan on making plugins for EV Nova read it.

"Don't under estimate stupid people in large groups."

I used to make plugins for EV with a tool called "EV Edit", but since its no longer in development and I'm hopeless with any code at all... I guess there is no simple way.


This should really be in the EV Developer's Corner.

I'll just move it over there.

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EV Edit = teh suxors, at least compared to the tools available!

To make your plug-in making life simplier, there are several programs. (url="http://"")EVONE(/url) and (url="http://"")Mission Computer(/url). There is also NovaTools, but that simply builds on Resedit, which you probably don't want.

EVONE is shareware, and MC is free. I, personally, like MC's Nova Bible notes better.

(url="http://"")The plug-in search engine!(/url)

(This message has been edited by Phyvo (edited 07-12-2004).)

First you'll need to download EnRLE/DeRLE from the addons page and encode your sprite as an RLE. Then you can give your RLE the same ID as the one you are replacing and make any changes necessary to the corresponding spin resource. You can modify some other aspects of the explosion by modifying the corresponding boom resource.

If you want more specific help just tell us which explosion you're trying to change.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams

(This message has been edited by Guy (edited 07-13-2004).)

I'm bored, so unless you have some special reason to want to do it yourself, you can send me the explosion graphi, and I can do it for you. Send it to (url="http://"")