A question about evn fighter bays

I recently came back to Nova after a bit of a hiatus and wanted to tinker once I got going in the rebel storyline. I thought this was really strange...

I was trying to make myself a rebel thunderhead bay using evnew. After looking back over the nova data files and also shipvariants 1.06 to refresh my memory on how it was done, I proceeded to make my own little plug.

I finished everything up, could buy both outfits just fine (bay and ships), but couldn't get the bay to show up as a secondary weapon. I checked every damn setting in both the outf and weap areas at least 10 times and couldn't come up with a reason why it was any different. I ended up finding some fighter bay plug off the addons page and changing the IDs to match what I'd already done in terms of graphics and descriptions, and it worked fine. This was of course after running it through the converter.

Does anyone know of some sort of limitation in evnew that makes me miss some setting to allow this to work if I make it from scratch? I even tried the option in evnew to extract an ascii version, but saw no differences- though that was before I altered the downloaded plug to match my other one, so the id's didn't match.

"In America any boy may become President and I suppose it's just one of the risks he takes." -Adlai Stevenson

Could you post what EVNEW give you when exporting your plug to text?

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Could it have been that you didnt check the Secondary Fire button? Or did you not assign the weap to the 2 outfits using the Weap (ID) and Ammo (ID) fields?

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The flag for secondary weapons is the "Weapon fired by second trigger" flag. You need to check that flag (it's in the wëap resource).

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW/")Make one yourself.(/url)
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That was the first thing I checked, and unchecked and rechecked, ect...

I've got another nasty bit of work coming- 7PM- 7AM for the next few days. If I remember to email the plug to myself when I swing by home I'll crank out another txt version. Thanks for the replies so far though.

"In America any boy may become President and I suppose it's just one of the risks he takes." -Adlai Stevenson