I'm starting a Firefly TC for Nova

I've started work on a Firefly TC for Nova.

Seeing as we didn't learn much about the FF universe during its short life, there's a lot of room for creativity.

Anyway, I do need people who are willing to help. Firefly fans, preferably, though anyone with graphics experience would be welcome.

That is the main problem, by the way. Graphics. Aside from the obvious Firefly-class, I'd like to get as many of the ships seen in the series as possible into the plug, filling in the class gaps as necessary with original designs. However, I can't do graphics-----the extent of what I can do is make a collage for the title screen. I tried making some spins for EVO awhile back, and they didn't come out well. Anyone who could make a few ships for the plug would be appriciated.

Right now, my main concern is building the universe. I've gotten about have the worlds seen in the series spobified so far, with appropriate descs. However, the opening narration mentioned "hundreds of new Earths", so I'd like anyone with an interest to send me a name and desc for a planet or moon or two. If you want to do one from the series, fine, if not, it can be your own idea. I've been using the database at (url="http://"http://www.fireflyfans.net")www.fireflyfans.net(/url) for my source. If you do a planet I've already handled, don't worry; your desc might be better than mine!

I'm not worried about missions yet. They'll be time for that later. Speaking of which, I'm not working on any sort of deadline, here, its just a project in my free time. That's why I haven't mentioned building a permanent team for this. If there's enough interest, I would be glad to have anyone who wants as part of a team. However, anyone who contributes something will get a mention (presuming there's ever enough done to release).

Keep Flying!


There was a group trying to do a firefly plugin when it first came out, but I have no idea if they ever got any work done, or if they are still together, or what. I don't know exactly what link, but try searching for it or something. Good luck!

Eat blazing electric death!
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/infernostudios/ept/")Unofficial EV and EVO Ports(/url): Both currently in FC1.

Thanks, but a searches for both "Firefly" and "Serenity" don't seem to be turning up anything.


hrm. It may have been on the nova board...

Eat blazing electric death!
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/infernostudios/ept/")Unofficial EV and EVO Ports(/url): Both currently in FC1.

Well, here's my preliminary attempt at a title screen!

(I would IMG it, but I suspect it'd stretch the thread a bit.)



I want this so bad. Why did they ever cancell that show anyway? It's the best drama I've seen since... well... I haven't seen a good drama since forever.

The startup is a good concept, but needs polishing. But of course you knew that 🙂

"My blood hurts..." -What'sherface

Its nice to see some enthusiasm. Most boards where I've posted this have met it with resounding silence; those who like Firefly haven't played Nova, and those who've played Nova didn't watch Firefly.....

Well, anyway, I'd appricate any suggestions for polishing the title screen. I'm not too happy with Wash and Inara; I had to use screecaps for them, unlike the promotional photos (with better lighting) that I used for the others. Doesn't help that the background is one big screencap of a slightly-fuzzy AVI file.


Is there just no one interested in helping, or what? Should I make a post about this on the Nova board?

I can try to do it all myself, but I have a feeling that it will be more likely to actually get finished if I'm working with someone.


I'm wondering if Firefly is popular enough to make a good TC. That's realy sad, since Firefly reminded me of EV a hell of a lot. If I were you, I'd post to the Nova board before going any further.

"My blood hurts..." -What'sherface


Originally posted by B Rob:
**I'm wondering if Firefly is popular enough to make a good TC. That's realy sad, since Firefly reminded me of EV a hell of a lot. If I were you, I'd post to the Nova board before going any further.


The DVDs are up for preorder at Amazon. How well those sell should give a good indication of how popular it is. (Also, there's talk of a possible big-screen movie.)

In any case, I've got JPEGs which I can make into a Firefly-class ship now, so if nothing else, I'll eventually release what I've got so that the ship will be available to other potential FF modders. (I didn't make the 3D model its based off of, though, so I'm keeping it private for now. I do have permission and all that.)

Now, I just need to figure out how to make JPEGs into ResEdit image resources.....back with EV-Edit, I could just import pict files. Any help?


One other thing. I asked for the graphics to be made as if I were making a spin. I'm not entirely clear on how different Nova graphics are.


What 3D program are you using? There are a number of tutorials around on how to make spďns or shäns and import them in Nova -- pity the search function isn't available right now, or I'd find links for you.

By the way, I loved Firefly and would be interested in what you can do with the TC.

Starfleet Adventures: A Star Trek TC for EVN (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=145") Discussion Board (/url)
Starfleet Adventures (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=71")Progress Log(/url)
denki's Starfleet Adventures (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/starfleet_adventures/")FAQ page(/url)
It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

^I'm not using a 3D program. I took a look at Infini-D once, and was quite intimidated. Someone I know online made a Serenity model; I just asked for the appropriate images to make a spin, which he sent me.

I'm just wondering how exactly one would go about importing Jpegs into NovaTools. I can't exactly experiment at the moment....just after making that last post, my TiBook coughed and now it can't find either of its system folders. Gotta wait for Norton SW 3 to arrive now....darn Apple, I would think they of all companies would be smart enough to have their Software Restore CD give access to the Finder....not enough disk space for a straight reinstall, and I can't get to the finder to delete anything.....erg....sorry, end rant.


From what I can see, the prelim startup screen, well, it needs work... A lot of work... A lot of work, and maybe a restructuring... The problems that I can see are: The ship is all blurry, in the direct center of the frame, and is obscured by the captain. The bright lights of the engines split the viewer's eye away from the captain confusing the viewer. And then we get to the supporting cast: I don't know if you did this intentionally, but the key (light) for each person is coming from a different direction which looks a bit strange, and the "Firefly" text encroaches on the woman's face. Finally, "Escape Velocity" looks extremely plain in comparison. I realize that this isn't final, but I felt that I had to explain what I feel's wrong with the image.

When you're making Nova sprites, 3D is the only way to go. Once, many years ago, I tried to rotate a jpeg for use in an Escape Velocity plug, and let's just say that it looked really crappy.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(url="http://"http://htf.mondominishows.com/valentine/main.asp?seed=7375&serial;=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

Now that I've had some time to think about this, how is the game play going to work? Are you going to fly around in the Serenity, which has no weapons? Will you be an independent dude (or dudette), and fly whatever ship you like? Either way, you'll have to sacrafice some of Firefly's character driven charm to make it work.

The bake sale to raise money for the car wash has been canceled due to confusion.

^I know. I've been thinking about that myself. However, for the time being, I'm still working on the universe; I'll take care of the storyline later. I've got a few ideas.

For instance, Reaver magnetic grapples could be simulated by a nonturreted disabling beam, which is so powerful that if a Reaver ship gets close enough to fire at you, you're floating.

Also, there was an interesting weapon seen in one of the unaired episodes, "The Message".

Regarding the title screen, it is indeed preliminary. There isn't exactly a large amount of FF source material available, either. Most of the cast images were from publicity pics; Wash and Inara, I had to take from actual screencaps, which is why they don't look as good. I did try to arrange them according to character relationships. The background is one big screencap too. There is only one high-quality image of Serenity available, and I didn't like it for this purpose. I'll replace the image with a better one once the DVDs are out.


One thing I've learned the hard way is that disabling weapons from A.I. ships can actually destroy you.

Starfleet Adventures: A Star Trek TC for EVN (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=145") Discussion Board (/url)
Starfleet Adventures (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=71")Progress Log(/url)
denki's Starfleet Adventures (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/starfleet_adventures/")FAQ page(/url)
It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

Hmmm.....good to know.


Well, I'd be interested in helping if the .rez documentation comes out soon. Of course, when I go back to college in a few weeks my room-mate has a Mac and I could do some work on there. Plus he has some very powerful graphics systems, including movie making capability in the extreme (his father is in the TV industry) so it is Possible that I could posibbly design a vid or two for such a project. I and my friends at college were avid watchers of Firefly for it's short life (although I have heard rumblings that It might come back for another season, unknown though) so regardless of whether I can help programming-wise, drop me a line if you need storyline or universe help.

Valic Vacosties (Derek Rosborough in "Real Life")


^I'll take all the help I can get.

Hmmm....if you'd like to help, what I'm working on right now is planet descriptions, and designing a galactic map. Since there were only about 20 planets mentioned on the show, and supposedly there are "hundreds" of planets, I've been planning to think up some planets and associated descriptions which weren't on the show. If you'd like to do that and email it to me, it would help move things along.

Regarding Firefly, Amazon had to suspend preorders for the DVDs because they were getting more orders than they had ordered stock. So the popularity is there. There's also a very good chance of a big-screen movie.

If there is a movie, if it does well, and if the DVDs sell extremely well.....a continuation of the series is a possibilitiy. Remote, but not gone.
