How do you make a planet appear AFTER a mission?


Hey, I've been playing around with making EV plugs for awhile, but I've never actually been serious about it before. This time, I'm planning on making a fairly large plug-in to release, but I need to know something (and I may need to know more later! I'm not exactly an expert): how do you make it so that, when you do a mission, a planet appears? Kind've like in EVO, where you do enough Parren Station missions and the operable Parren Station appears, you know? Or in plug-ins where you attack a planet as a mission and it's changed to another government. How is that done?

(My plan is to have a set of missions where you go back and forth building a fuelling station, and after the last one it becomes "operable" <<basically meaning a new fuelling station takes its place>>. So how, using ResEdit, would I do that?

Once in a blue moon, you will look out your window in complete and utter serenity and SCREAM, because there, beneath your window, Deborah Thomas is eating flying purple monkeys. (inside joke)

In the mïsn resource, there is a field labeled "CompBitSet". You need to put an unused mission bit in that field. Now, in your station's sÿst, there is a field labeled "VisBit". In this field, type "1XXX", replacing "XXX" with the mission bit you previously chose. Next, duplicate this sÿst. Change only two things: the spöb RID# for the station, and the VisBit field. Remove the 1 and any leading 0s in the VisBit field (ie 1999 becomes 999, 1099 becomes 99, 1009 becomes 9, and 1000 becomes 0). In the field for the station, replace the RID# with the RID# of your completed station. Note one thing: put the mission bit in only the last mission in the string.

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Thanks for helping! I'll try it right away.

Once in a blue moon, you will look out your window in complete and utter serenity and SCREAM, because there, beneath your window, Deborah Thomas is eating flying purple monkeys. (inside joke)

Orca got it dead-on, Sephir.

However, if I remember correctly, VisBits never worked correctly in original EV. Hopefully I'm wrong, but if you do what he says and it doesn't work, that's probably the problem.

Can anybody else confirm/deny this?

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Well, I think the only usual, but small, glitch is having to jump out and then back into a system in order for it to change. But, then again, I could be wrong. There might be more problems with it...I've heard you're quite the mastermind with answers, Masamune, so I won't dispute! I still haven't tried it...haven't had time recently, but I'm going to soon.

Once in a blue moon, you will look out your window in complete and utter serenity and SCREAM, because there, beneath your window, Deborah Thomas is eating flying purple monkeys. (inside joke)


Originally posted by Sephir:
Well, I think the only usual, but small, glitch is having to jump out and then back into a system in order for it to change. But, then again, I could be wrong. There might be more problems with it...I've heard you're quite the mastermind with answers, Masamune, so I won't dispute! I still haven't tried it...haven't had time recently, but I'm going to soon.

If you make the ReturnStel of the final mission a different planet/station in a different system, you needn't worry.

Also, I just realized something...what about the systems around it's hyperlinks? They need to be able to connect to the new system, or else you'll be able to leave, but not enter. 🙂

In other words, for all systems which are connected by hyperlinks, add the new system (with the completed station) to their hyperlinks.

Does setting a nonexistant system as a hyperlink kill EV or cause it to act strangely?

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who have friends.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga Website(/url) | (url="http://"")Add-ons Search Engine(/url)

(This message has been edited by orcaloverbri9 (edited 07-02-2004).)

That's a good question. I don't...think it does. But...ok, say this is the situation:

Let's say there's a system called Katyr. This is the system you want to change due to a bit. Let's call it Katyr2 afterward. So Katyr is connected to systems Anubis, Rah, and Odin. Now, if Anubis, Rah, and Odin connect to both Katyr and Katyr2 (so that when the system changes, you can jump IN on a connection), then what happens BEFORE the bit changes when you hit "TAB" on your keyboard? Because pressing "TAB" cycles through the system connections...will it just not be there, or will it be there, and you can jump into a non-existant system?

I think that what probably happens is that the link doesn't show up at all, until after the bit is set. Even if you cycle through. So I don't think you CAN jump into a non-existant system. Think like this: in a resource editor for a planet in ResEdit, there's a blank for System. Now, you can type in a system number, but the planet won't show up. You have to type in the planet number under the syst resource as well. I think it's the same with systems and connections. Unless the connection AND the system both have each other's numbers under their editors, then they won't show up. So it shouldn't be a problem.

(Wow, I've never talked "half-technical" EV before. That was fun. Sorry if no one can understand that, but I think you all can...some of your talk still confuses me!)

(I'm not planning on making very complex graphics for my plug-in, so I don't think I'll be needing any graphical help...anytime soon. My Cine4D app is damaged, so I can't use it, but it's opened up a new possibility to me: a comic book-ish plug-in. I was making a comic-book-3D looking planet in ClarisWorks, and if the rest of my graphics matched it... it would make for a unique and new style of plug-in entirely!)

Once in a blue moon, you will look out your window in complete and utter serenity and SCREAM, because there, beneath your window, Deborah Thomas is eating flying purple monkeys. (inside joke)

(This message has been edited by Sephir (edited 07-02-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Sephir (edited 07-02-2004).)

OK, changed my mind about the graphics. A long time ago, some app messed over how ResEdit works with graphics on my comp, and now I can't properly input graphics into the game, for the most part. Just forgot until now. So if someone could contact me about doing graphics for the game...that would be great. The e-mail's, and I would be forever endebted to you for doing ship, planet, etc. graphics. Just e-mail me, and I'll e-mail you back telling you what I need...if you want to do it. And please, I'm a very broke person...there'll be no cash involved :D!

Once in a blue moon, you will look out your window in complete and utter serenity and SCREAM, because there, beneath your window, Deborah Thomas is eating flying purple monkeys. (inside joke)