ship designer programs

does anybody know a good ship builder program for windows 98


Well, I don't know which programs are specifically for Windows 98 or not. My original post had links to all the sites, but I don't really have the time to find that particular post right now, so I'm copying my post that has no links. I'm absolutely certain that if you enter any of these programs into a standard search engine, you'll be pointed in the right direction.


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix: **
POV-Ray (free), Wings 3D (free), Blender (free), Alias Maya 5.0 Personal Learning Edition (free - not full featured w/ watermarks), Softimage XSI Experience - PC and Linux only ($19.95 - not full featured w/ less obtrusive watermarks than PLE), Eovia Carrara Studio 3 ($399), Maxon Cinema 4D 8.5 ($595), Strata 3DPro 3.9 ($695), Eovia Amapi 7 Pro ($799), Rhinoceros 3.0 - PC only I think ($895), Softimage 3D 4.0 - PC and Linux (and SGI, but not many people have these) only ($1495), Newtek Lightwave 3D 8.0 ($1595), Softimage XSI - PC, Linux, and SGI only (no price quoted, but probably more expensive than Lightwave), Alias Maya Complete 6.0 ($1999), Discreet 3D Studio Max 6 - PC only ($3145), Alias Maya Unlimited 6.0 ($6999)

That's about all I can think of for right now. Note that Alias Maya 5.0 Personal Learning Edition and Softimage XSI Experience are watered down (or in many cases, crippled) versions of the full packages. If you already have Maya 4.5 or Maya 5, upgrades to 6.0 Unlimited or Complete are significantly less expensive. Also, be aware that the most expensive program is not necessarily the best program, especially if it cannot do the job that you specifically bought it for. On the image gallery, Wings 3D, Strata, Infini-D (not for PC, but is a precursor to Carrara), Cinema 4D, Strata 3D, and Lightwave are the most popular programs. Lightwave is the program that ATMOS used to make EV Nova, and is my personal favorite program both as a modeler and as a still renderer. What is a renderer, you ask? After you finish making your 3D model, the only way you can output it as an image is through a process called rendering. A good renderer can with the right ingredients make photorealistic images.. Wings 3D, while gaining popularity, does not come bundled with a renderer and requires another program (POV-Ray and Blender are two preferred renderers) to render final images.**

Please note that if you are (and have written proof that you are) a registered student at a High School or College, or are faculty or staff at any K-12, or post-secondary institution, you can purchace any of these packages from Carrara on up, from (url="http://"") at significantly lowered prices.

Enjoy. Just be aware that all of these programs are difficult to learn, and that you won't be churning out the next Monsters Inc. after a few minutes of playing around. They all take a lot of practice to get good at, but if you work hard you'll get better.


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(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 06-19-2004).)

wings 3D is a good one. it's not too hard to get used to or learn, and also has some good tutorials to really let you know how to do stuff.


Do like me, what_is_the_matrix, (url="http://"")bookmark one of these topics(/url).

The (url="http://";=breakdown.html&BREAKDOWN;_SKUID=1480")Ambrosia Mac CD(/url) with other registrations - 5$. Paying for (url="http://"")EV Nova(/url) as it's such a great game - 30$.
The (url="http://"")1337 EV Nova T-shirt(/url)(url="http://"") (/url) - 22$. The (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url) by wOOtWare to tinker with your Nova - FREE!
The feeling you're a Nova geek - priceless.
There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.

i have found blender and POV-ray and they can run on windows so im going to download them tonight and mess around with them
i also found wings 3d but it was not availible for windows

(did not for the other programs because they cost money)



Originally posted by eagle16:
**i have found blender and POV-ray and they can run on windows so im going to download them tonight and mess around with them
i also found wings 3d but it was not availible for windows

(did not for the other programs because they cost money)


Huh? Wings is even on Linux.

Here's the PC download page; (url="http://"")http://prdownloads.s...2c.exe?download(/url)

"As a weapon of war it leaves much to be desired; but as a spectacle it takes much beating." -- a General observing the disastrous test of the JATO-assisted "jumping" tank.

It would be very helpful to know which ones work with which systems, you know. I can't afford to upgrade to OSX, so I'm pretty much up a certain unsanitary tributary sans a means of propulsion.

To quote a pillar of American society: D'OH!

havent downloaded wings 3d yet because im rather busy with school exams
i will try and download it tonight if i have the time

i didnt like the other programs because they were a bit too complicated for me
