"The Great EV Plugstory" - creative exercise/game for developers

I'm sure everybody here has seen the game where one person starts a story with a sentence and other people take turns adding more to make a story. I'm wondering what people would think of doing something similar with a plug-in.

I've been toying with this idea for a while, but mrxak's dialogue on developer relations made me think that this game could help rejuvenate interest in developing for Nova. It would allow people to be part of a larger project and see it progress, without having to devote a lot of time, and it could also be a creative outlet for ideas that don't fit well in people's more serious projects. Hopefully, we will end up with an entertaining plug-in that can be submitted to the add-on files.

I have a nova plug with two missions that I'd like to use as a starting point for the "plugstory" as I call this game. If there is any interest in my idea I'll upload it later this evening and let people take a look at it.

I've also come up with some rules for contributing that should keep the process fun and moving quickly:

1. Don't take anything seriously. This is supposed to be fun – be creative.

2. Sign up in advance to do a mission so we don't have five people submitting mission #3.

3. When the mission before you is uploaded, you will have three days to submit your mission, before you loose your turn*.

*If you know that your turn is coming up and you will be too busy to work on it for a few days, let me know and I'll bump you one or two places down the list so you don't loose your place entirely.

I'm willing to host this game and playtest each mission on windows and mac as they are submitted. I'll also make a little guide on resource and mission bit numbering so that people won't have to waste time on that stuff.

So, comments? Suggestions? Anybody like to sign up?

(edit) Episode 1 can be found at the brand new (url="http://"http://www.ualberta.ca/~twgreene/plugstory.html")official plugstory website(/url). (/edit)


(This message has been edited by TrevorG (edited 06-08-2004).)

I guess I should have mentioned that (url="http://"http://www.ualberta.ca/~twgreene/plugstoryep01.bin.zip")episode 1(/url) adds a new spob to the sol system. Land on that spob and get a mission.
