[Nova] Vell-Oss Paint

I hope this is has not been asked thousands of times, cause, on my first paint style plug, I got a problem. The same happened on AAC paint station prime. why is it that the vell oss ships cannot get a good paint job? I know that it does not fit with the scenario, but why does the dart turn white when I give it blackish paint?

Non cogito ergo non sum.
I dont think, therefore, I am Not.

It's because of the cölr resource (responsible for the ship paint) not getting along with the transparency of the vell-os sprites. Get the AAC paint station transparency fix from the add-ons page, or in your own plug, copy/paste the vell-os shän resources into your plug and set the base transparency values to zero.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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