Attacking a Station

Can I attack a station with a n"normal" ship? I have read the "Bible" and can not get my head round this.

In many parts of the stock Nova, a station attacks you but can you fight back?

If not, any workaround?



You cant in the stock EVN. You could use a plugin that makes a weapon designed to attack stations. Or you could make your own.

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(This message has been edited by The Cheat (edited 04-12-2004).)

Thanks, I have found it now.

As they say, RTFM but should add, carefully.

Thanks again.




Originally posted by paulashton:
As they say, RTFM but should add, carefully.


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What I am saying is that I should have RTFM = "Read the F...g Manual".

I've seen and used this acronym for years all over the internet and, if memory serves me, on places like compuserve before the internet had taken off.

The carefully bit means that I should have read the manual carefully because when you gave me the clue as to where to look, I found it immediately.

Sorry to be obscure,

