Flying your Carried Escort

So the fighters can't dock with your fighter? Do they dock with carrier once you get it back again?
Where can I download the plug? You haven't posted a link anywhere.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams

The fighters do not dock with your fighter. They do dock with your carrier when you switch back. The link was in the post with the bulletted items, and marked (Download). Here it is (url="http://"")again(/url).



"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James

Whoa, don't know how I missed that. Sorry.
I'll have to wait til Monday to check it out though.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams


Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
**You could have the ship set to be hostile and follow you around firing a damageless, short-range weapon at you.

That would really mess up any attempt to target the nearest hostile.
I would make the ship a planetary-type. Then make the weapon planetary-type, that way you can't accidentally blow up the ship during normal combat.

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"And in this their similarities diverged"


Originally posted by Klepsacovic:
**That would really mess up any attempt to target the nearest hostile.
I would make the ship a planetary-type. Then make the weapon planetary-type, that way you can't accidentally blow up the ship during normal combat.

Well according to Regulus that doesn't work. However, if the ship is cloaked then you won't be able to target it without the right type of cloak-detector, so it won't be much of a problem. Anyway, making the ship planet-type doesn't stop you being able to target it, does it?

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams


Originally posted by Klepsacovic:
That would really mess up any attempt to target the nearest hostile.

shďp resource, Flags2, 0x0004: Ship can't be targeted. The defense rests.

Now, can somebody please help me figure out what's wrong with Uxxx, Yxxx, and Planet Starts out Destroyed, instead of mulling over problems I've already solved?


"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James

(This message has been edited by Regulus (edited 04-25-2004).)


Originally posted by Regulus:
**shďp resource, Flags2, 0x0004: Ship can't be targeted. The defense rests.

Now, can somebody please help me figure out what's wrong with Uxxx, Yxxx, and Planet Starts out Destroyed, instead of mulling over problems I've already solved?


The ship could still be targeted with the right type of cloak-detector, but it doesn't matter much.

How about immediately starting another mission with the Carrier as a disabled special ship and you get it back when you board it?

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams


Originally posted by Guy:
The ship could still be targeted with the right type of cloak-detector, but it doesn't matter much.

So don't use it.


How about immediately starting another mission with the Carrier as a disabled special ship and you get it back when you board it?

Interesting thought. So the special ships are disabled, and the ship goal is either Board (2) or Rescue (6), and OnShipDone will swap the player back into a carrier ship. How do you suggest I remove the disabled carrier from play after this?


"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James

Hrm. I think I have a solution, actually. The dummy carrier will, upon being rescued, cloak and attack the player, striking him with a weapon that will drop his new carrier's shields to the state they'd be after a short engagement. This weapon can then be flagged to destroy the firing ship.

The new problem is that I can't give the dummy carrier a spectacular bööm, since it has to self destruct without incident. This does provide an economy of resources, however. Also, a disabled shďp can't provide ranged weapon support, which a spöb could.


"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James

I think it's very difficult to get AI ships to use weapons that may damage themselves (including ammo-type -999 weapons). You could just get it to cloak and jump away or you could make a pers like the trigger ship that you can't see and get it to swap with the special ship.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams

1.) The Nova Beta History says that as of "Version 1.0.1b2 - 4/19/2002: AI ships can use self-destroying weapons".

2.) You cannot cause a përs to appear in-system at will.


"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James

  1. Ah, good.
  2. You can swap a pers with the special ship in it's link mission with 0x0040 flag. But now that I think about it it'll probably happen as soon as the mission starts rather than when you board the ship.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams

No, I know that. What you can't do is summon a përs to appear in-system in the middle of gameplay. If I use AlwaysPers, then the disabled carrier will be in the system before the player ever launches in their fighter.


"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James

One possible problem I noticed when I made a quick plug to test ship swapping was the fact that if you swap ships in mid-flight, you keep the shields and armor of the first ship. I tried (in a shuttle) a mission that would swap you into a Thunderforge onAbort. However, when you do that, you end up disabled from only having 30/1100 armor. This would only be a problem when you're getting back into the carrier, unless you did it by landing on a spob. (which regenerates your shields/armor, though it gets rid of whatever you're fighting. There might be some way to give outfits that zap your health to full, but you'd need to get rid of them quickly.

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Can you create weapons with negative damage? Will AI ships fire them?

I'm sure there was a thread about this not long ago...


"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James

I'm pretty sure I've heard that negative damage doesn't work. You're thinking of making other ships that would attack and heal you, right? You'd have to get them to self-destruct somehow, either by making them fire weapons that hurt them (they don't like to do this, I think) or have other ships that blow them up, then warp out. I've tried some experiments with negative shield/armor regeneration, and they don't seem to work, unfortunately. You could make your fighter have the same shields/armor as the carrier, but then damage to your fighter's (incredibly huge) shields would carry over to the carrier. Ship switching is pretty cool, though; you could have a flexible ship that can optimize itself for either (say) fighting or running, with one type having more weapons and the other with more speed/accel./turn.

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Originally posted by Klepsacovic:
That would really mess up any attempt to target the nearest hostile.
I would make the ship a planetary-type. Then make the weapon planetary-type, that way you can't accidentally blow up the ship during normal combat.(/B)

Sigh...would you please read my last post? You just repeated what I said.

EDIT: Also, have you forgotten the "Can't target ship" flag?

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(This message has been edited by orcaloverbri9 (edited 04-26-2004).)

This would also explain why the fighter seems to be nigh-indestructible after you transfer into it.



"As a rule we believe as much as we can. We would believe everything if only we could."
~ William James


Originally posted by Croikle:
**You'd have to get them to self-destruct somehow, either by making them fire weapons that hurt them (they don't like to do this, I think)...


You are inncorrect, sir. See the Kamakazi plug; I got that thing to self-destruct, do damage, and fly a fighter normally. I got much help from sombody, but I can't remember who. His name is posted with the plug. I don't remember how it works...

But you guys seem to be looking for something to the effect of the "second set not carrying" flag, or the KeyCarried flag... I think that using those in conjunction you can make it so your ship changes when you are fighter-less or launch a certain fighter. Then your ship can be your fighter, (it'd have to be stock) and your fighter can "shoot out" using recoil and/or weapon speed. I'm not entirely sure on how those fields work though....

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Originally posted by Regulus:
**Can you create weapons with negative damage? Will AI ships fire them?

I'm sure there was a thread about this not long ago...


Why would you need to? Just explain the lack of shield/amour as combat damage and save you having to make the dummy carrier shoot up the player.

"The Macintosh may only have 10% of the market, but it is clearly the top 10%." — Douglas Adams