Cloak difficulties

OK, I was trying to make an area cloak outfit a few minutes ago. Specifically, one that's both an area cloak and has the "fast fading" thing activated. According to the Nova Bible, I needed to enter 1001 in the ModVal field. I think. I wasn't sure, so I looked at the cloaking organs in the default scenario in MissionComputer, but this really confused me, because they had values over ( in the v.1.0, I think) 2000, which shouldn't be possible. So, how would I make my outfit? Was I right the first time? Help!

(Edit)Update: I tested the 1001 setup, and it just drained fuel. How do I get it to be an area cloak?(/Edit)

I'm president of the United States and I refuse to eat broccoli! - George H. W. Bush
But the elevator is broken in this building. So I'm gonna have to jump! - (url="http://"")Strong Bad(/url)
(url="http://"")Lost in Translation(/url)

(This message has been edited by froggy (edited 04-08-2004).)

There is some sort of caculator that lets you add up the numbers to get the ones used by Nova. I don't know where to find it, though I think there was a post about it here recently.

When viewing a Terrapin for the first time, I realized that anything flies-if you throw it hard enough!

The thing with those is that, while the instructions are in hexadecimal, the thing that you put in the field is in decimal, so you have to convert. 0x10=16, 0x100=1616=256, 0x1000=161616=4096, and so on, so 0x1001 = 0x1000 + 0x1 = 4096 + 1 = 4097. Don't carry "digits" when they're > 10; just keep them around (10=a, 11=b, ... , 15=f). For example, suppose I want a cloak that has fast fade (0x01), vis on radar (0x02), disable on damage (0x08), and is an area cloak (0x1000). I'd add all these up and get (1+2+8) * 0x01 + 0x1000 = 11 * 0x01 + 0x1000 = 1116 + 4096 = 4272. There's more to hex than this, but this should be all you need for making a cloaking device.

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EDIT: Nevermind.

(This message has been edited by orcaloverbri9 (edited 04-09-2004).)

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks!

I'm president of the United States and I refuse to eat broccoli! - George H. W. Bush
But the elevator is broken in this building. So I'm gonna have to jump! - (url="http://"")Strong Bad(/url)
(url="http://"")Lost in Translation(/url)