Control bits question

Hey, I wanna make a string as if it were a major string. Uuuuuh. I wanna make an seventh major storyline in nova. There's already the Fed, Auroran, vellos, Association, polaris, and rebellion. Well if I wanted to make a seventh how could I:

  1. Make a control bit that would keep players from joining any of those other major strings. Like when a player is in the fed string they can't be in the rebellion string, it makes sence that way... But being as I'm trying to make another major string I'd have to have it so that if you're participating in my major story line you can't be in the Federations. But I looked over the misn control bits and I can't find anything that deals with not allowing them to enter another major storyline. So how can i prevent that?

Actually I think #1 is all i need to know. if you can help me out, thanks a lot!

Wait, I lied. If I gave a preliminary necessity to my string, like I need them to be competant fighters and have a citizen legal status, I really don't have to use any control bits for accepting the string or anything, do I? I downloaded the bits Bible but it's not helping much.



Add this to your mission availiablity field: !b510
I think that will prevent you from entering any major strings.
There should be fields somewhere for adding skill levels.
And you will definitely want to prevent players from entering other strings while playing your's. Imagine if the Fed mission said to destroy a ship and the new string mission said to protect the ship, oh the chaos!

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This is more accurate...
!(b511 | b515)


um. you sure those are all the bits needed. I mean, did you just look at the Vellos strings bits or what? cuz they have the same stuff you did. it seems I'd be cancelling out 6 different string so wouldnt I need to clear more bits?


i dont get it. those control bits wont seem to stop anything from happening


I honestly need lots of help with co0ntrol bits. I am so lost. I don't get ANYTHING at all when it comes to this. I undertsand ! means clear, but most missions clear the bit that activates the mission, then reactivates the mission on success. I honestly am so turned around why the escort the rock group would clear the bit for vellos mission 3 and all of that other crap! Someone PLEASE help me. I don't get this (I'm using the bit bible)


Drowning in frustration


No. There is one bit that says no major strings may be entered. Be damned if I know what it is, though.

Not to be rude, but if you don't understand ncb's, I really don't recommend you try to make a majoir string. And especially if you plan to integrate it into the ever-so-complex stock scenario.

But, if you really want to do this, Godspeed. I'm not much help when it comes to bits. I do bits. I don't teach them. 😉

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Nonono. I can't stop trying.

If no ones capable of understanding bits how can a plug ever be created.

I mainly don't get two things:

  1. What bit should I set as my avail bits for my string. I have it as !(b511 | b515) Thats right for no other string. But is that the only bit I'd need to set on the availability?

oh and !b4001 because the expression didnt cant get offered again till after success. Then on success it activates it again so the string can continue, correct? So on success would be b4001

But are all the bits I really need. Is there anything else I'd need to know dealing with bits? Are there any other bit expressions I'd need to make my plug besides those in which i create? (its not a TC, its running off the original nova engine)



and the other thing i cant seem to figure out is why when i put my mission into the plug it doesn't show up.

I just want to see the mission offered to me. This means I have to make some bit in the avilab9ility so its offered and i dont know which one.


First off, see that button at the top of your post labled "edit"? Use it to edit your posts instead of posting many consecutive posts.

In order to make your mission appear:
1. What is its availability chance set to? (not avail bits, theres a field that sets the % chance that your mission will appear whenever you land on an appropriate planet)
2. Is the pilot you are using to test in a major storyline or otherwise ineligible?
3. Is the mission set to be available from the kind of place you are checking (planet/govt as well as where in the spaceport)?

To make the avail field for the final mission:
For the final mission, you would want to do:
Avail !(b511 | (b515 | bxxx)) where xxx is some other unused bit.
OnAccept b511 (prevents player from starting another storyline by setting b511
OnSuccess b515 bxxx
OnFail !b511
OnAbort !b511
(to make the mission never reappear if the player refuses, fails, or aborts, but bxxx in the onRefuse, OnFail or OnAbort field, respectively.

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