Missions question

I did a search and found a topic that covered my idea for a plug, but didn't answer my question.
I'm thinking about making quite a complex plug, and the general idea depends on this thing.
Is it possible to have one mission appearing straight away after another? So say for example: You land, a mission appears, you accept / reject it and it immediately comes up with another offer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Just once, I'd like to go to a party without being set on fire.

I think you can accomplish this by using the Sxxx operator in the On Accept/On Refuse fields.



Originally posted by slouch:
**I think you can accomplish this by using the Sxxx operator in the On Accept/On Refuse fields.


That will automatically START a mission when refused/accepted, but that wont show the offerText.

What you want to do, i belive, may be possible by having the onaccept/Onrefuse fields make another mission with a higher ID# and/or lower display order available.
Anyone want to confirm/disprove this?

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW")www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW(/url)
Stuffit is a piece of .sit.

Good point. Your method would probably work, something like...

1st Mission Avail: bxxx & !(byyy | bzzz), On Accept: byyy, On Refuse: bzzz, Display Weight: 3
"Accept" mission Avail: bxxx & !bzzz, Display Weight: 2
"Refuse" Mission Avail: bxxx & !byyy, Display Weight: 1

All other available rating, records, locations, etc would need to be identical. Might work...


(This message has been edited by slouch (edited 03-11-2004).)

Unfortunately, as I learned when making my entry for the mrxak challenge (any idea when he'll finally get around to judging it?), only one mission can be offered when you land. Don't give up, though. We're good at finding workarounds here. Hmmm... could the first mission start another one which will automatically end and display the ending text? I doubt it, but it could work.

Join the Ambrosia Seti@home team!


only one mission can be offered when you land.

Foiled again. Just tested it, and you're right.



Originally posted by Croikle:
Hmmm... could the first mission start another one which will automatically end and display the ending text? I doubt it, but it could work.

I think he's looking for a second mission that the player can accept or refuse, and the ending text does not have that option. Since only one mission can be offered on landing, it looks like this is a lost cause.

You can have more than one mission appear in the bar, though, so if you don't need to force them to make a choice you could do it there. Just do what slouch suggested in his second post.

Join the Ambrosia Seti@home team!

Thanks for all the input, I think I may have found a way around it. I'll just have it so you accept/reject the first mission and it tells you that you go to the bar, then the next mission will be offered straight away in there. And don't worry, I've already thought about them being able to take off and leave the system before getting the other mission. It's not quite as clean or smooth as it could be, but it should do...
You may well hear more from this TC soon...I'm not letting this one die.

Just once, I'd like to go to a party without being set on fire.