Key Carried? What does it do? How does it work?


Quoted from the holy scripture of the Nova Biblebows down:
The key carried ship type, used for interesting effects in the wëap and shän resources.

Mind explaining this to me? I've never really understood it. That's like saying an oütf: "gives the player cool outfits so they can do neat things."

Is it a NCB set or test? What does it do? What can it be used for?

When viewing a Terrapin for the first time, I realized that anything flies-if you throw it hard enough!


Originally posted by Zzap212:
**Mind explaining this to me? I've never really understood it. That's like saying an oütf: "gives the player cool outfits so they can do neat things."

Is it a NCB set or test? What does it do? What can it be used for?


I believe it allows one to switch sprites and/or ships should you have a certain outfit or such. The developers for both Star Trek plug-in's are using it to simulate the Prometheus-Class vessel that can separate into 3 parts.

(url="http://"")Days of Glory(/url), Upcoming TC for EV: Nova

And the Galaxy class saucer separation.

But I don't actually implement those in SFA, since they're TNG-era ships.

I do, however, use the KeyCarried function for the cargo pods of the TOS-era Ptolemy class ships.

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It is better to feed the goat than it is today.