Outfits and ships question

I always wondered, but could never figure out, what happened exactly to a ship that started out with an outfit that affected speed or armor (this goes for the turning, accel rate, and shields too). Let's say, you have a comp ship that has the outfit. Is it affected by it? My understanding is no. But then, if the player captures the ship or buys one, will he be able to take advantage of it though the computer could not? If you had a base speed for a ship set at 300, with an outfit that increased speed by 50, would the player start out with a speed of 350, or find that when he sells the outfit his speed slows to 250?

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This hasn't been my understanding at all. I believe any outfit given to a stock ship is used regardless if it's AI or player controlled. So a stock ship with 300 speed and an outfit that increased that speed would be up to 350 for both the player and the comp. Selling the outfit after capture would make it 300.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"http://www.0three0.net/l-1551/")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things

Unfortunately, Kame, he was right. There are only a few outfits that can be given as default outfits, that affect the computer. Speed/Turn/Accel outfits are not among them. I've tested that part extensively for SS.

Life's kind of a bitch that way, Phyvo. The way I get around it is by using multiple ships- there is the AI version of the ship, which has it's stats set AS IF it took advantage of the outfits, and a second ship with the standard stats, which gets the outfits. When you capture the AI ship, it Exxx's for the standard ship.

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"http://www.cwssoftware.com")www.cwssoftware.com(/url)

Mmm that is unfortunate. Good to know though.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"http://www.0three0.net/l-1551/")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things