Plug-ins not working, Help!

When I download plug-ins off the internet they don't work. I have a Macintosh and I either follow the Instructions to install them or put it in the Plug-ins Folder. I've heard I need a certain type of Stuff-It for them to download correctly. If so where can I get it?

They don't work if you're not registered. If that's not the problem, make sure you have the latest stuffit - should work.


On a mac, if you have stuffit 7.0, you need to upgrade or downgrade it to use plugins. It trashes the codes that identify a plugin as a plugin, and so nova ignores them. 8.0 Mac works fine though.
On a PC, however, stuffit 8.0 doesnt work, and you need to get 7.5 (dont want any pc users to read this and get confused.) PC users can read this page for help with plugins: (url="http://"")http://homepage.ntlw...s.tosh/convert/(/url)

EDIT: Waitaminute!
This is the Developers corner. Questions about using plugins belong on the main nova boards. The people there are very used to answering plugin use questions. The dev-board is only for things that relate to the creation or design of plugs.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")
Stuffit is a piece of .sit.

(This message has been edited by Azratax2 (edited 02-10-2004).)