multiple gun exit points

Ok, what am i doin wrong here? first off, im using evnew, believe me ,if i could use resedit, i would. anyway, i have made some variants of a few ships, and the blasters are not firing from both gun exit points. the flag for using the ships weapons sprite is set, so that isnt it. also, on my variant of the kestrel, it works fine, but to be more specific, the fed destroyers and carriers dont work as well as the rebel destroyer. although, the normal variants of these ships do work. what am i overlooking?



Originally posted by no1uknow81:

Well the thing is, the flag for using the ships weapon sprite doesn't mean that it will fire from where the sprite looks like it's firing from, it merely means that the program will display the ships weapon animation when it fires it's weapon. For example, that big blue glow on the manticore when it fires it's ion cannons.

What you need is to adjust the weapon exit points, and I'm not sure whereabouts you would do that in EVNEW. Someone else will know, I know it has x and y offset coordinates to allow you to say exactly where you want it, so if you do find it on your own just copy the coordinates from the original frigate.

Sound good?


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

well, the flag info helps much, ty, but i tried to set the oppisite value for the x coordinate, and when i went back into it, it had reset it to what it was. you should be able to enter a negative x value, right? the funny thing is that there are 4 slots for x,y,and z coordinates for the gun exit points, but you can only have the same number for all the x coordinates, the same number for all the y coordinates, and the same number...well, yeah, you get it. soooooo. what has evn done to me now? i remember making plugs in ev, and it wasnt so difficult, lol.


Do you have the latest version of EVNEW (1.0.2)? If not, don't even bother asking for help. Go get it first (see signature).

Earlier versions of EVNEW didn't let you enter negative numbers. The latest does, but I don't think that's your problem.

Retribution: An Upcoming Plug-in for EVN.
Visit the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) today! Be sure to read the short story ' (url="http://" &number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=100&article;=000262&startpoint;=")Fiery Descent(/url)'!
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga(/url): An upcoming TC, visit the web page today.| | | Both the best and the worst plug-in editor for Windows! (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url)!

AHHHH!!! thank you thank you thank you!!!yes, that would be my problem! you rock man, thanks again!


(This message has been edited by orcaloverbri9 (edited 01-31-2004).)


Originally posted by no1uknow81:
**im using evnew, believe me ,if i could use resedit, i would.

Actually, you arnt missing much.
While EVNEW has had some bugs, 1.0.3 fixes all of the known ones. Resedit/Novatools, on the otherhand, while in a few ways more featured (thumbnails for RLEs/picts comes to mind, as does editing ppats and the whole DILG/DITL/etc, but those are only useful for TCs), is less stable, especially under X, there is rumored to be a bug in the junk editor, and the whole thing isn't being maintained anymore. Also, on RE/NT, encoding RLE's, converting to text, and so on, are only doable with addon applications, whereas RLEing and Conversion to text are builtin to EVNEW (the latter is doable via commandline by the way).
EVNEW, atleast for me, is rock-solid stable, and with the exception of the lack of thumbnails (Which i have a feelign would be hell for Aprosenf to change), is just as easy to use as Novatools.
Whats more, the other two mac editors also have reports of strange behavior and crashing, and one of them costs money.
-Az, who thinks plugdev on a PC is almost easier.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")
Stuffit is a piece of .sit.

I have to second Az on that issue. EVNEW is as rock solid as any proggy I have used. It is working well for me and is easy to use and understand. Adam did a bang up job making it and it may turn out to be the best editing tool for EVN.

Of course I am a PC user and prejudiced towards using PC tools. 😄

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!


Do you have the latest version of EVNEW (1.0.2)?


While EVNEW has had some bugs, 1.0.3 fixes all of the known ones.

Aack!! Why doesn't anyone tell me about these things? 😛


EVNEW is as rock solid as any proggy I have used...

I don't know...when I open and close the same file or resource over and over again very rapidly, the program stops responding as fast. I wouldn't call that 'rock-stable'... :D.

Just kidding. It's free, it works great, and it's dependable. All it needs is a graphical map editor, and it would be nearly perfect.

Retribution: An Upcoming Plug-in for EVN.
Visit the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) today! Be sure to read the short story ' (url="http://" &number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=100&article;=000262&startpoint;=")Fiery Descent(/url)'!
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga(/url): An upcoming TC, visit the web page today.| | | Both the best and the worst plug-in editor for Windows! (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url)!

I appreciate all of the thanks I'm getting. As for the 1.0.2/1.0.3 thing, 1.0.3 just came out yesterday, and the only thing that was changed was an issue involving temporary files for image imports and exports. If you've been able to successfully import and export graphics, then you don't need 1.0.3.

Get (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url) - the free, open-source EVN plugin Editor for Windows!


Originally posted by Azratax2:
**Actually, you arnt missing much.
While EVNEW has had some bugs, 1.0.3 fixes all of the known ones. Resedit/Novatools, on the otherhand, while in a few ways more featured (thumbnails for RLEs/picts comes to mind, as does editing ppats and the whole DILG/DITL/etc, but those are only useful for TCs), is less stable, especially under X, there is rumored to be a bug in the junk editor, and the whole thing isn't being maintained anymore. Also, on RE/NT, encoding RLE's, converting to text, and so on, are only doable with addon applications, whereas RLEing and Conversion to text are builtin to EVNEW (the latter is doable via commandline by the way).
EVNEW, atleast for me, is rock-solid stable, and with the exception of the lack of thumbnails (Which i have a feelign would be hell for Aprosenf to change), is just as easy to use as Novatools.
Whats more, the other two mac editors also have reports of strange behavior and crashing, and one of them costs money.
-Az, who thinks plugdev on a PC is almost easier.


Well, RE/NT was used by ATMOS (near the end tho). So its older. and EVNEW basicly copied all of wootwares apps and smushed them into one app that will run for windows. So, as EVNEW might be better, RE/NT can do more stuff. :p(/ot)

(url="http://"")Unreals Fourms(/url) (url="http://"")Unreals Lair(/url) (url="http://"")