help with making weapons and such

Im trying to make a railgun holder that takes up 20 mass and holds three 200mm railguns, and the holder makes it turreted too. I need to kno how to make it so you have to have a railgun rack to get a 3 special 200mm railguns, and three more if you have two racks.
-----this is what i kno i need to do...
-make each special railgun turreted
-make every three special railgun have to have a rack
--or make two different kinds of railguns for the rack and have 3 require the one kind of rack and the ther three railguns require anouther rack


Next time, please take it to EV Dev Corner.

On that note, welcome to the boards!


ok sorry lol



Originally posted by newb@plug-ins:
**Im trying to make a railgun holder that takes up 20 mass and holds three 200mm railguns, and the holder makes it turreted too. I need to kno how to make it so you have to have a railgun rack to get a 3 special 200mm railguns, and three more if you have two racks.
-----this is what i kno i need to do...
-make each special railgun turreted
-make every three special railgun have to have a rack
--or make two different kinds of railguns for the rack and have 3 require the one kind of rack and the ther three railguns require anouther rack


Hey, wecome to the boards. Yes, this should be posted somewhere else, but whatever, I can post the same thing no matter where you post this.
I don't know a ton about plugin making, but I do know that you are probably not going to be able to make this plugin the way you want to make it, the game engine simpy can't do things like have "racks." You are going to have to take a indirect route, like making an outfit that has the power of three 200mm railguns and is only 20 tons. You can't really make an outfit that grants three more outfits, at least, not very easily.
As to what you need to do:
Making the railguns turreted is very easy.
The rack part is either going to be hard, impossible, or else done in a very indirect and drawnout way.
Your third detail is just going to make things more complex. Start simple if you are having trouble with the first steps.
Finally, this is possible to do, you're just probably going to end up doing it in a way that will annoy you because of how much effort it takes. There isn't an easy way to do this, as in you can't click a checkbox for making an outfit a rack, and then type in how many of what outfit you want the rack to hold.
I hope this helps a little.
And kauthor, either try being more helpful than that, or else let the moderators tell him that when they move his topic. Telling him to put his topic somewhere else next time is pretty unhelpful if that's all you're going to say, kinda like how posting just to tell people to search was pretty rude and thus is now against the rules.

A wise man is one who knows when he is being a fool.
"Is there an indelible line dividing sanity from insanity? Or do they change, one into the other, at the slightest turn of events? We'll find out, soon enough, if the world itself is insane."
Are you living in the real world?

(This message has been edited by WraithSniper (edited 12-29-2003).)


Originally posted by newb@plug-ins:
**ok sorry lol


Don't mind him. In the future, yes, post plugin development questions in the right forum, but there's no problem with posting this here once. Besides, it's the same topic no matter where you post it, so posting it where it shouldn't be is no reason to not reply to it.

A wise man is one who knows when he is being a fool.
"Is there an indelible line dividing sanity from insanity? Or do they change, one into the other, at the slightest turn of events? We'll find out, soon enough, if the world itself is insane."
Are you living in the real world?

there are the "contributes" bits that can make it loads easier. if you know enough aboput contribute and avability bits, you should be able to make racks no problem.

Go play the Polaris or Vell-Os strings and go to Tichel. I predict you will say, "So much for Galactic Peace!"

I'll just move this over to the Developer's Corner.


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Yes, by creating the rack outfit that contributes a certain bit, and then making the special railguns require that bit and have a maximum of three, you can make this rack with minimal difficulty. Good luck!

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
burn burn the truth, enjoy the flames in celebration

You could use my trademark move.
1. Make the rack outfit. In the OnPurchase field, have it grant (Gxxx NCB) 3 "token" outfits.
2. The token outfits are simply invisible, do-nothing outfits. To do this, leave all the name fields blank. If you want to name the resource itself, use a semicolon in front of the name; this makes resedit ignore the name after that, like a comment in a programming language.
3. In the special 200mm railgun outfit, put in Oxxx in the Availability field, where xxx is the resource ID of the token. In the OnPurchase, put Dxxx, and in the OnSell, put Gxxx. This way, you can only buy the railgun IF you have a spare token. Buying the gun uses a token, so you can only buy as many as you have tokens (3). Selling a gun gives you the token back.

You'll still need a special version of the 200mm railgun for this to work, but you'd need it anyway to make it turreted.

Good luck and welcome to the wild, wonderful, and oft-times wacky world of plug-making!

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

if you dont mind always buying a full rack at a time, you could simply copy the 200mm railgun rescource, and change it so it is turreted, and fires three times as fast, check the multiples fire simultaniously box if you want, and then save it as a new weapon accessible by the turreted railgun rack outfit. (which you will have to make for it) it's that simple!

A warrior can shape himself to suit anything in the universe.
A master can shape the universe to suit himself.