plug-in creation

where can I find information on how to to create plugins? I dont know which program to use, and I am rather inept when it comnes to programming... i have no idea how to do anything.


head over to the developers forum for better answers

My e-penis is bigger than your e-penis.


Originally posted by kiemdn89:
head over to the developers forum for better answers

Indeed. iMove.

••• Got a question? Use the (url="http://";=26")search(/url) feature before you post a new topic. •••
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(url="http://"")How to make a pilotlog file(/url) | (url="http://"")How to read a pilotlog file(/url)


Originally posted by shadowblade7991:
where can I find information on how to to create plugins? I dont know which program to use, and I am rather inept when it comnes to programming... i have no idea how to do anything.

You're probably stuck on Windows. If this is the case, get a copy of (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url).

If, however, you are fortunate enough to be using a Mac, you have some more options:
• (url="http://"")NovaTools + smaller, accompanying apps(/url)
• (url="http://"")MissionComputer(/url)
• (url="http://"")EVONE(/url)

Some advice:
• Open the Nova Files and take a look at the resources (HIGHLY recommended).
• Open the Nova Bible in your Documentation folder (don't let naïveté get to you, just do it! You'll be glad you did!).
• Don't try and take on anything enormous like a TC. Start small, with cheats, fixes, add-ons, etc. Practice makes perfect.

Best of luck!

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga Website(/url)

If you're on a Mac, you should probably download ResEdit. You can find it here:

You need ResEdit to use NovaTools (I'm not familiar with Mission Computer or EVOne).


Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
Some advice:
• Open the Nova Files and take a look at the resources (HIGHLY recommended).


Good advice, but make sure you make a back up of your Nova files, so you don't accidently screw them up.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain.

I would also recommend taking a read through at least part of the Nova Bible. It explains a lot about how everything works. You should be able to find it in the documentation folder in your Nova folder.
